Summary: | The construction industry is increasingly aiming for Sustainability to mitigate environmental, economic, and social concerns. Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Lean are two potential drivers currently available in the industry to support Sustainability. BIM has been widely used to achieve different sustainable goals such as energy and resource efficiency, sustainable materials analysis, and process visualization to support health and safety. In contrast, Lean promotes Sustainability through waste reduction, optimum use of resources, increasing value, and continuous improvement. In the construction industry, Lean, BIM, and Sustainability have remained separate and parallel initiatives. However, studies suggest that BIM and Lean have the potential to achieve Sustainability and act synergistically. BIM is perceived as an enabler of Lean. Therefore, academics believe that the overlap between BIM and Lean will produce Sustainability benefits for the industry. Previous research has demonstrated a conceptual integration between BIM, Lean, and Sustainability. However, a framework to integrate BIM and Lean to attain Sustainability has not been developed or reported. Therefore, this research aimed to provide a conceptual framework by using Quality Function Deployment (QFD) to assess the relationship between BIM, Lean, and Sustainability and to enable Sustainability via BIM and Lean. © 2023 Author(s).