Summary: | This article aims to design a remote monitoring system of photovoltaic solar cells battery conditions used for street lighting. The main variables to monitor are battery voltage and current. The monitoring system was developed based on commercial components, including INA 219 sensors, NodeMCU ESP 8266 microcontroller, and LCD. The Blynk platform developed the monitoring interface through a wireless internet connection. The monitoring system was tested by using 20 WP solar photovoltaic cells, a battery 12V 7AH, and Solar Charge Controller (SCC). Based on the testing results, it can be concluded that the developed monitoring system was able to measure voltage, current, and battery capacity continuously and display them on a smartphone by using the Blynk platform. The results have been validated manually using a multimeter at both SCC and battery output. The accuracy of the data display on the monitoring system is 27.96% and 0.24% for current and 0.91% to 16.15% for voltage. © 2023 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved.