Summary: | Energy harvesting has become a compelling area of research, especially as the global community seeks green alternatives for energy generation. This paper suggests the construction of an energy harvester prototype and its voltage and current output, along with the optimization process for maximizing power output from a piezoelectric tile. Electric energy generation, when a load is applied to sensors, either through direct strain or ambient vibrations-depends on various factors, including the number of piezoelectric transducers, the electromechanical coupling coefficient of the sensors, the applied load, and the arrangement scheme. A prototype piezoelectric floor tile 1 by 1 feet was developed to evaluate its energy harvesting potential, recording and analyzing the energy generated. Two experiment types were conducted to assess harvesting performance: one focused on connection configurations and the other on external factors. The energy harvester floor tile incorporated low-grade piezoelectric diaphragms, like those in buzzers. Results showed that the series connection produced the lowest voltage, but higher current compared to the parallel connection achieved the highest voltage but with lower current output at 0.011mA. The result also shows running produced slightly higher voltage compared to walking. © 2024 IEEE.