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463“… integrated into epoxy resin to create composite materials with varied fibre orientations via the hand lay-up…”
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464by Sivanathiran R.; Al-Marzok M.I.K.; Multani A.S.; Singbal K.; Ismail M.F.“… on the mechanical, morphological, and optical properties of zirconomer. Materials and methods: Zirconomer…”
Published in World Journal of Dentistry (2024)
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465by Ghazali N.M.; Sawari M.F.M.; Ghalia B.; Alhabshi S.M.S.J.“… matter; the two types of materials referred to are mainly classical Arabic dictionaries and the books…”
Published in ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance (2024)
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466“…. Methods and Materials: Fity-seven liquid-based preparation slides from gynecology specimens were screened…”
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467by Rameli N.A.C.; Yaacob S.S.; Ismail N.; Azzanni M.M.A.; Talib H.“… to the outcomes. Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective cohort study utilising secondary data from…”
Published in Medical Journal of Malaysia (2025)
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468“…. The selected raw materials for Design 2 cost approximately RM 49.30 and weigh 5.438 kg. Adjustable height…”
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469by Agarwal A.; Finelli R.; Durairajanayagam D.; Leisegang K.; Henkel R.; Salvio G.; Aghamajidi A.; Sengupta P.; Crisóstomo L.; Tsioulou P.A.; Roychoudhury S.; Finocchi F.; Darbandi M.; Mottola F.; Darbandi S.; Iovine C.; Santonastaso M.; Zaker H.; Kumar Kesari K.; Nomanzadeh A.; Gugnani N.; Rambhatla A.; Duran M.B.; Ceyhan E.; Kandil H.; Arafa M.; Saleh R.; Shah R.; Ko E.; Boitrelle F.“…, and clinical outcomes before and after varicocele repair. Materials and Methods: Varicocele studies published…”
Published in World Journal of Men's Health (2022)
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470by Agarwal A.; Farkouh A.; Saleh R.; Hamoda T.A.-A.A.-M.; Salvio G.; Boitrelle F.; Harraz A.M.; Ghayda R.A.; Kavoussi P.; Gül M.; Toprak T.; Russo G.I.; Durairajanayagam D.; Rambhatla A.; Birowo P.; Cannarella R.; Phuoc N.H.V.; Zini A.; Arafa M.; Wyns C.; Tremellen K.; Sarıkaya S.; Lewis S.; Evenson D.P.; Ko E.; Calogero A.E.; Bahar F.; Martínez M.; Ambar R.F.; Colpi G.M.; Bakircioglu M.E.; Henkel R.; Kandil H.; Serefoglu E.C.; Alfakhri A.; Tsujimura A.; Kheradmand A.; Marino A.; Adamyan A.; Zilaitiene B.; Ozer C.; Pescatori E.; Vogiatzi P.; Busetto G.M.; Balercia G.; Elbardisi H.; Akhavizadegan H.; Sajadi H.; Taniguchi H.; Park H.J.; Rosas I.M.; Al-Marhoon M.; Gilani M.A.S.; Alhathal N.; Quang N.; Pinggera G.-M.; Kothari P.; Micic S.; Homa S.; Long T.Q.T.; Zohdy W.; Atmoko W.; Ibrahim W.; Sabbaghian M.; Abumelha S.M.; Chung E.; Ugur M.R.; Ozkent M.S.; Selim O.; Darbandi M.; Fukuhara S.; Jamali M.; de la Rosette J.; Kuroda S.; Smith R.P.; Baser A.; Kalkanli A.; Tadros N.N.; Aydos K.; Mierzwa T.C.; Khalafalla K.; Malhotra V.; Moussa M.; Finocchi F.; Rachman R.I.; Giulioni C.; Avidor-Reiss T.; Kahraman O.; Çeker G.; Zenoaga-Barbăroșie C.; Barrett T.L.; Yilmaz M.; Kadioglu A.; Jindal S.; Omran H.; Bocu K.; Karthikeyan V.S.; Franco G.; Solorzano J.F.; Vishwakarma R.B.; Arianto E.; Garrido N.; Jain D.; Gherabi N.; Sokolakis I.; Palani A.; Calik G.; Kulaksiz D.; Simanaviciene V.; Simopoulou M.; Güngör N.D.; Blecher G.; Falcone M.; Jezek D.; Preto M.; Amar E.; Le T.V.; Ahn S.T.; Rezano A.; Singh K.; Rocco L.; Savira M.; Rajmil O.; Darbandi S.; Sogutdelen E.; Boeri L.; Hernández G.; Hakim L.; Morimoto Y.; Japari A.; Sofikitis N.; Altay B.; Mahmutoglu A.M.; Al Hashimi M.; Ziouziou I.; Anagnostopoulou C.; Lin H.; Shah R.“… that clinicians face in incorporating these tests into their practice. Materials and Methods: Clinicians managing…”
Published in World Journal of Men's Health (2023)
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471by Agarwal A.; Farkouh A.; Saleh R.; Hamoda T.A.-A.A.-M.; Harraz A.M.; Kavoussi P.; Arafa M.; Salvio G.; Rambhatla A.; Toprak T.; Gül M.; Phuoc N.H.V.; Boitrelle F.; Birowo P.; Ghayda R.A.; Cannarella R.; Kuroda S.; Durairajanayagam D.; Zini A.; Wyns C.; Sarikaya S.; Tremellen K.; Mostafa T.; Sokolakis I.; Evenson D.P.; Henkel R.; Zohdy W.; Chung E.; Ziouziou I.; Falcone M.; Russo G.I.; Al-Hashimi M.; Calogero A.E.; Ko E.; Colpi G.; Lewis S.; Serefoglu E.C.; Bahar F.; Martinez M.; Nguyen Q.; Ambar R.F.; Bakircioglu M.E.; Kandil H.; Mogharabian N.; Sabbaghian M.; Taniguchi H.; Tsujimura A.; Sajadi H.; Ibrahim W.; Atmoko W.; Vogiatzi P.; Gunes S.; Gilani M.A.S.; Roychoudhury S.; Güngör N.D.; Hakim L.; Adriansjah R.; Kothari P.; Jindal S.; Amar E.; Park H.J.; Long T.Q.T.; Homa S.; Karthikeyan V.S.; Zilaitiene B.; Rosas I.M.; Marino A.; Pescatori E.; Ozer C.; Akhavizadegan H.; Garrido N.; Busetto G.M.; Adamyan A.; Al-Marhoon M.; Elbardisi H.; Dolati P.; Darbandi M.; Darbandi S.; Balercia G.; Pinggera G.-M.; Micic S.; Ho C.C.K.; Moussa M.; Preto M.; Zenoaga-Barbăroșie C.; Smith R.P.; Kosgi R.; de la Rosette J.; El-Sakka A.I.; Abumelha S.M.; Mierzwa T.C.; Ong T.A.; Banihani S.A.; Bowa K.; Fukuhara S.; Boeri L.; Danacıoğlu Y.O.; Gokalp F.; Selim O.M.; Cho C.-L.; Tadros N.N.; Ugur M.R.; Ozkent M.S.; Chiu P.; Kalkanli A.; Khalafalla K.; Vishwakarma R.B.; Finocchi F.; Andreadakis S.; Giulioni C.; Çeker G.; Ceyhan E.; Malhotra V.; Yilmaz M.; Timpano M.; Barrett T.L.; Kim S.H.K.; Ahn S.-T.; Giacone F.; Palani A.; Duarsa G.W.K.; Kadioglu A.; Gadda F.; Zylbersztejn D.S.; Aydos K.; Kulaksız D.; Gupte D.; Calik G.; Karna K.K.; Drakopoulos P.; Baser A.; Kumar V.; Molina J.M.C.; Rajmil O.; Ferreira R.H.; Leonardi S.; Avoyan A.; Sogutdelen E.; Franco G.; Ramsay J.; Ramirez L.; Shah R.; Gherabi N.; Kahraman O.; Trotta C.; Rocco L.; Ngoo K.S.; Sallam H.; El Meliegy A.; Alhathal N.; Chien K.; Lee J.; Le T.V.“… guideline recommendations, and provide expert recommendations. Materials and Methods: Clinicians managing…”
Published in World Journal of Men's Health (2023)
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472by Samanta L.; Agarwal A.; Swain N.; Sharma R.; Gopalan B.; Esteves S.C.; Durairajanayagam D.; Sabanegh E.“… associated infertility. Materials and Methods: We identified differentially expressed mitochondrial proteins…”
Published in Journal of Urology (2018)
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473by Adzuan, Anis Syahirah Saifor; Mohamad, Sharifah Aminah Syed; Iberahim, Rashidah; Kamal, Noor Nadia Syahira Mohd; Abd Mutalib, Nurliana; Hasbullah, Nur Intan; Alsaydi, Muneer; Hasan, Nor'aishah; Oon, Low Kheng; Ajibola, Olaide Olawunmi; Alias, Rozila; Mustakim, Maimunah; Rambely, Azlin Sham; Mohamed, Emida; Pourmand, Mohammad Reza“… of heat-killed LAB (HK-LAB) isolates against S. Typhimurium towards human intestinal cells. Materials…”
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474by Fountoulakis K.N.; Alias N.A.; Bjedov S.; Fountoulakis N.K.; Gonda X.; Hilbig J.; Jakovljević M.; Kulig B.; Mahale G.; Manafis A.; Mohammed M.; Nadareishvili I.; Navickas A.; Patsali M.E.; Pavlichenko A.; Pilaga S.M.; Razali S.; Romanov D.; Rossitza I.; Salihu A.S.; Sinauridze A.; Stoyanova M.; Thosar K.; Vorobjova J.; Vrublevska J.; Rancans E.; Javed A.; Theodorakis P.N.; Breda J.; Smirnova D.“… in university students, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and methods: This is an observational cross…”
Published in Frontiers in Psychiatry (2023)
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475“… of smoking cessation. Materials and methods: This study recruited COPD patients from a chest clinic who…”
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476by Leman A.S.; Shahidan S.; Naziri A.S.M.; Tayeh B.“… of researchers. This concept involves the reuse of waste materials to enhance or create new products. Accordingly…”
Published in Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences (2025)
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477“… in government health clinics in Selangor. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 543…”
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478by Ul Haq B.; Kim S.-H.; Ahmed R.; Taib M.F.M.; Rasool Chaudhry A.; Seddik T.; Laref A.“… and fluorine. These materials exhibit electronic states above the Fermi level primarily of W-d nature…”
Published in Ceramics International (2024)
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479by Wahab P.A.; Talib N.A.A.; Hatta N.N.K.N.M.; Saidi S.; Mulud Z.A.; Wahab M.N.A.; Pairoh H.; Kamiluddin N.N.S.N.“… factors. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study of 305 community-dwelling older people…”
Published in Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences (2024)
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480by Ghouse R.M.; Natasha A.N.; Shahedan N.F.; Ramesh S.; Bang L.T.“… for biomedical applications and has indirectly contributed to cost reduction of materials processing…”
Published in International Journal of Integrated Engineering (2024)
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