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Urban Studies
1421by Arku R.E.; Brauer M.; Ahmed S.H.; AlHabib K.F.; Avezum Á.; Bo J.; Choudhury T.; Dans A.M.; Gupta R.; Iqbal R.; Ismail N.; Kelishadi R.; Khatib R.; Koon T.; Kumar R.; Lanas F.; Lear S.A.; Wei L.; Lopez-Jaramillo P.; Mohan V.; Poirier P.; Puoane T.; Rangarajan S.; Rosengren A.; Soman B.; Caklili O.T.; Yang S.; Yeates K.; Yin L.; Yusoff K.; Zatoński T.; Yusuf S.; Hystad P.“… and ground-based methods. Primary use of solid fuel for cooking was used as an indicator of HAP exposure…”
Published in Environmental Pollution (2020)
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1422by Rosli N.A.S.; Razali R.M.; Ahmad F.T.; Lob S.; Sidique S.N.M.; Raseetha S.“…% inhibition in A. vera film with 0.7% cinnamon oil. As a result, a tiny amount of cinnamon oil added…”
Published in Malaysian Journal of Microbiology (2022)
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1423by Maharina; Paryono T.; Fauzi A.; Indra J.; Sihabudin; Harahap M.K.; Rizki L.T.“…, humidity, temperature, and wind characteristics. Existing methods often struggle with these complexities…”
Published in Journal of Applied Data Sciences (2025)
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1424by Francis A.; Wainstein M.; Irish G.; Abdul Hafidz M.I.; Chen T.; Cho Y.; Htay H.; Kanjanabuch T.; Lalji R.; Neuen B.L.; See E.; Shah A.; Smyth B.; Tungsanga S.; Viecelli A.; Yeung E.K.; Arruebo S.; Bello A.K.; Caskey F.J.; Damster S.; Donner J.-A.; Jha V.; Johnson D.W.; Levin A.; Malik C.; Nangaku M.; Okpechi I.G.; Tonelli M.; Ye F.; Wong M.G.; Bavanandan S.; Abdul Gafor A.H.; Amouzegar A.; Bennett P.; Chicano S.L.; Davids M.R.; Davison S.N.; Diongole H.M.; Divyaveer S.; Ekrikpo U.E.; Ethier I.; Fong V.K.; Fung W.W.-S.; Ghimire A.; Gopal B.; Phan H.A.H.; Harris D.C.H.; Houston G.; Ibrahim K.S.; Jardine M.J.; Jindal K.; Kantachuvesiri S.; Kelly D.M.; Kerr P.; Kim S.; Krishnasamy R.; Kwek J.L.; Lee V.; Liew A.; Lim C.Y.; Lydia A.; Nalado A.M.; Olanrewaju T.O.; Osman M.A.; Petrova A.; Pyar K.P.; Riaz P.; Saad S.; Sakajiki A.M.; Sengthavisouk N.; Sozio S.M.; Srisawat N.; Tan E.; Tiv S.; Tomacruz Amante I.D.; Villanueva A.R.; Walker R.; Walker R.; Zaidi D.“… failure. This paper reports the findings of the latest ISN-GKHA in relation to kidney-care capacity…”
Published in Kidney International Supplements (2024)
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Review -
1425by Salazar J.J.; Mirza F.T.; Uzzaman M.N.; Shunmugam R.H.; Shazana N.Z.; Pinnock H.; Hirani N.; Rabinovich R.A.“… used Cochrane risk-of-bias tool and GRADE to rate the quality of the evidence. Findings: We identified…”
Published in Respiratory Medicine (2025)
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1426by Chua P.; Ulfa Seruji N.M.; Lizazman M.A.; Mian Jong V.Y.; Lim W.K.“… for producing in vitro findings with increased likelihood of clinical translation. © 2024 The Author(s)…”
Published in Journal of King Saud University - Science (2024)
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1427by Er Y.X.; Than L.T.L.; Muslim A.; Yap N.J.; Tee M.Z.; Abdull-Majid N.; Lee S.C.; Shahrizal S.; Lim Y.A.L.“… imbricata with Bateq (P = 0.011) and smokers (P = 0.004). These findings highlight a complex interplay…”
Published in PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases (2024)
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1428by Sultan A.H.K.; Chakravarthi S.; Kabir M.S.; Shirin L.; Hardev Singh H.S.; Mazumder M.M.; Farzana Y.; Ying T.S.; Raman K.S.; Chia T.Y.; Noureen A.; Nazmul M.H.M.“… in conjunction with trastuzumab and chemotherapy for HER2-positive AGC. These groundbreaking findings have led…”
Published in South African Gastroenterology Review (2024)
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1429by Palafox B.; Balabanova D.; Loreche A.M.; Mat-Nasir N.; Ariffin F.; Md-Yasin M.; Isa M.-R.; Abd-Majid F.; Palileo-Villanueva L.M.; Renedo A.; Seguin M.L.; Dans A.L.; Mckee M.“… in the Philippines, but less so in Malayisa. Conclusions: These findings highlight the need for a contextualised…”
Published in International Journal of Health Planning and Management (2024)
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1430by Ranganathan H.; Singh D.K.A.; Kumar S.; Sharma S.; Chua S.K.; Ahmad N.B.; Harikrishnan K.“… of readiness towards online learning among physiotherapy undergraduates. The findings of our study shed light…”
Published in BMC Medical Education (2021)
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1431“… aim prior to finding the final decision solution: (A) to develop a consistency control module…”
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1432by Lindsay A.; Othman M.I.; Prebble H.; Davies S.; Gieseg S.P.“… largely been unexplored and neglected. What is the main finding and its importance? Using blood-derived…”
Published in Experimental Physiology (2016)
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1433by Mohamad Habibullah N.N.; Shahar S.; Ismail M.; Ibrahim N.; Kamaruddin M.Z.A.; Tang S.G.H.; Hamid M.F.A.; Ramasamy K.“…-2023-211). The findings will be disseminated to participants, healthcare professionals and researchers…”
Published in BMJ Open (2025)
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1434by Nizam N.‘.; Naser N.B.M.; Yahaya I.N.S.; Rashid R.A.; Kasim N.; Nudin N.F.H.; Hatta S.K.M.“… findings imply that pollinator specificity in figs was potentially mediated by chemical signals in the fig…”
Published in Arthropod-Plant Interactions (2025)
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1435by Mohamed A.R.A.; Kechik M.M.A.; Kien C.S.; Pah L.K.; Baqiah H.; Shariff K.K.M.; Hong Y.S.; Peh H.K.; Shaari A.H.; Humaidi S.; Miryala M.“… these findings. This DM method offers a cost-effective approach for Y-123 synthesis, with potential for further…”
Published in Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing (2024)
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1436by Nahar A.; Saili A.R.; Hamzah N.M.; Abdul Fatah F.; Yusop Z.; Kamarul Zaman N.B.“… the structure of the relationship between the variables and the respondents. The findings revealed that five…”
Published in Food Research (2020)
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1437by Savell E.; Gilmore A.B.; Sims M.; Mony P.K.; Koon T.; Yusoff K.; Lear S.A.; Seron P.; Ismail N.; Calik K.B.T.; Rosengren A.; Bahonar A.; Kumar R.; Vijayakumar K.; Kruger A.; Swidan H.; Gupta R.; Igumbor E.; Afridi A.; Rahman O.; Chifamba J.; Zatonska K.; Mohan V.; Mohan D.; Lopez-Jaramillo P.; Avezum A.; Poirier P.; Orlandini A.; Li W.; McKee M.; Rangarajan S.; Yusuf S.; Chow C.K.“… multilevel regression models controlling for potential confounders. Findings Compared with high-income…”
Published in Bulletin of the World Health Organization (2015)
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1438by Jenkins D.J.A.; Dehghan M.; Mente A.; Bangdiwala S.I.; Rangarajan S.; Srichaikul K.; Mohan V.; Avezum A.; Díaz R.; Rosengren A.; Lanas F.; Lopez-Jaramillo P.; Li W.; Oguz A.; Khatib R.; Poirier P.; Mohammadifard N.; Pepe A.; Alhabib K.F.; Chifamba J.; Yusufali A.H.; Iqbal R.; Yeates K.; Yusoff K.; Ismail N.; Teo K.; Swaminathan S.; Liu X.; Zatońska K.; Yusuf R.; Yusuf S.“… to the findings regarding the glycemic index among the participants with cardiovascular disease at baseline…”
Published in New England Journal of Medicine (2021)
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1439by Risso-Gill I.; Balabanova D.; Majid F.; Ng K.K.; Yusoff K.; Mustapha F.; Kuhlbrandt C.; Nieuwlaat R.; Schwalm J.-D.; McCready T.; Teo K.K.; Yusuf S.; McKee M.“… modifiable health systems barriers if they are to have any realistic chance of success; these findings…”
Published in BMC Health Services Research (2015)
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1440by Cannarella R.; Shah R.; Boitrelle F.; Saleh R.; Durairajanayagam D.; Harraz A.M.; Agarwal A.“… and corrections. Our results indicate that even well-trained clinicians are naïve when it comes to the methodology…”
Published in World Journal of Men's Health (2023)
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