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201by Ramli M.S.F.; Mazlan M.H.; Takano H.; Abdullah A.H.; Jalil M.H.“… to overcome current challenges since the review highlights the importance of design strategies in achieving…”
Published in International journal of online and biomedical engineering (2023)
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Review -
202by Harun Z.; Molla A.H.; Hashim H.; Saman M.Z.M.; Lotfy E.R.“… investigates the effect of wind speed and rainfall on UHII. This study has chosen two strategic locations…”
Published in International Journal of Integrated Engineering (2024)
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203“… instead of taking antihypertensive medication. The participants were found to have poor knowledge on side…”
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204“… as a subject in Malaysian schools since 1968. However, no findings are available on whether Iban…”
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205by Aziz, Nur Amelia Shazana; Bermakai, Madhiyah Yahaya; Yusoff, Mohd Zaki Mohd“…Since antireflective coating (ARC) has the ability to lessen optical loss experienced by solar…”
Published in JOURNAL OF OPTICS (2025)
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206by Mutahar A.M.; Daud N.M.; Ramayah T.; Isaac O.; Aldholay A.H.“…Mobile banking has the potential to outperform the internet banking, since, the usage of internet…”
Published in International Journal of Services and Standards (2018)
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207by Hassan S.; Rahman R.A.; Bakar N.A.; Mohd R.; Muhammad A.D.“… or it does not tailor with the belief system of the Muslims. Since interest (riba) is prohibited in Islam…”
Published in Middle East Journal of Scientific Research (2013)
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208by Muda R.; Osman I.; Alwi S.F.S.; Ismail A.G.“…. Since, both equity and debt contracts be present in the financial market, Islamic financial institutions…”
Published in Creating Global Competitive Economies: 2020 Vision Planning and Implementation - Proceedings of the 22nd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2013 (2013)
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Conference paper -
209“… in their morphological attributes through the influence of international trade during the periods. The paper finds…”
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210by Kurniawan C.; Surahman E.; Utami D.D.; Nordin R.M.; Hasanah W.; Aniisah A.“…. Research finds that the implementation of ODL makes it easier for students to choose the content…”
Published in Proceedings - International Conference on Education and Technology, ICET (2024)
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Conference paper -
211by Masdek N.R.N.M.; Baharin Z.A.K.; Adam N.A.F.“… and coastal areas. Those who procure underground water must first filter it before consumption. Since solar…”
Published in Journal of Mechanical Engineering (2024)
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212by Tee B.T.; Lim S.C.J.; Siew P.W.; Lee M.F.“… management. The energy audit (EA) process is critical in attaining this insight since it quantifies energy…”
Published in 2023 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEM 2023 (2023)
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Conference paper -
213by Azlin M.N.M.; Ilyas R.A.; Zuhri M.Y.M.; Sapuan S.M.; Harussani M.M.; Sharma S.; Nordin A.H.; Nurazzi N.M.; Afiqah A.N.“… accepted by the main industry players, since its first establishment almost 30 years ago. It is obvious…”
Published in Polymers (2022)
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Review -
214“…Herbal medicines have been used in the treatment of male infertility since ancient times…”
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Book chapter -
215by Hasnidawani J.N.; Azlina H.N.; Norita H.; Bonnia N.N.“… of nanoparticles into nanocoating showed the best formulation since hardness and adhesion of nanocoating was good…”
Published in IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (2018)
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Conference paper -
216by Poore C.P.; Hazalin N.A.M.N.; Wei S.; Low S.W.; Chen B.; Nilius B.; Hassan Z.; Liao P.“… excitotoxicity, but failed to generate beneficial outcome due to their side effects on healthy neurons where…”
Published in Neurobiology of Disease (2024)
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217“… exponentially and it is very difficult to find the near optimal solutions in the search space. In this paper, we…”
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Retracted -
218by Di Cesare M.; Bentham J.; Stevens G.A.; Zhou B.; Danaei G.; Lu Y.; Bixby H.; Cowan M.J.; Riley L.M.; Hajifathalian K.; Fortunato L.; Taddei C.; Bennett J.E.; Ikeda N.; Khang Y.-H.; Kyobutungi C.; Laxmaiah A.; Li Y.; Lin H.-H.; Miranda J.J.; Mostafa A.; Turley M.L.; Paciorek C.J.; Gunter M.; Ezzati M.; Abdeen Z.A.; Hamid Z.A.; Abu-Rmeileh N.M.; Acosta-Cazares B.; Adams R.; Aekplakorn W.; Aguilar-Salinas C.A.; Ahmadvand A.; Ahrens W.; Ali M.M.; Alkerwi A.; Alvarez-Pedrerol M.; Aly E.; Amouyel P.; Amuzu A.; Andersen L.B.; Anderssen S.A.; Andrade D.S.; Anjana R.M.; Aounallah-Skhiri H.; Ariansen I.; Aris T.; Arlappa N.; Arveiler D.; Assah F.K.; Avdicová M.; Azizi F.; Babu B.V.; Balakrishna N.; Bandosz P.; Banegas J.R.; Barbagallo C.M.; Barceló A.; Barkat A.; Barros M.V.; Bata I.; Batieha A.M.; Batista R.L.; Baur L.A.; Beaglehole R.; Romdhane H.B.; Benet M.; Bernabe-Ortiz A.; Bernotiene G.; Bettiol H.; Bhagyalaxmi A.; Bharadwaj S.; Bhargava S.K.; Bhatti Z.; Bhutta Z.A.; Bi H.; Bi Y.; Bjerregaard P.; Bjertness E.; Bjertness M.B.; Björkelund C.; Blake M.; Blokstra A.; Bo S.; Bobak M.; Boddy L.M.; Boehm B.O.; Boeing H.; Boissonnet C.P.; Bongard V.; Bovet P.; Braeckman L.; Bragt M.C.E.; Brajkovich I.; Branca F.; Breckenkamp J.; Brenner H.; Brewster L.M.; Brian G.R.; Bruno G.; Bueno-De-Mesquita H.B.; Bugge A.; Burns C.; De León A.C.; Cacciottolo J.; Cama T.; Cameron C.; Camolas J.; Can G.; Cândido A.P.C.; Capuano V.; Cardoso V.C.; Carvalho M.J.; Casanueva F.F.; Casas J.-P.; Caserta C.A.; Castetbon K.; Chamukuttan S.; Chan A.W.; Chan Q.; Chaturvedi H.K.; Chaturvedi N.; Chen C.-J.; Chen F.; Chen H.; Chen S.; Chen Z.; Cheng C.-Y.; Chetrit A.; Chiolero A.; Chiou S.-T.; Chirita-Emandi A.; Cho Y.; Christensen K.; Chudek J.; Cifkova R.; Claessens F.; Clays E.; Concin H.; Cooper C.; Cooper R.; Coppinger T.C.; Costanzo S.; Cottel D.; Cowell C.; Craig C.L.; Crujeiras A.B.; D'Arrigo G.; D'Orsi E.; Dallongeville J.; Damasceno A.; Damsgaard C.T.; Dankner R.; Dauchet L.; De Backer G.; De Bacquer D.; De Gaetano G.; De Henauw S.; De Smedt D.; Deepa M.; Deev A.D.; Dehghan A.; Delisle H.; Delpeuch F.; Dhana K.; Di Castelnuovo A.F.; Dias-Da-Costa J.S.; Diaz A.; Djalalinia S.; Do H.T.P.; Dobson A.J.; Donfrancesco C.; Döring A.; Doua K.; Drygas W.; Egbagbe E.E.; Eggertsen R.; Ekelund U.; El Ati J.; Elliott P.; Engle-Stone R.; Erasmus R.T.; Erem C.; Eriksen L.; De La Peña J.E.; Evans A.; Faeh D.; Fall C.H.; Farzadfar F.; Felix-Redondo F.J.; Ferguson T.S.; Fernández-Bergés D.; Ferrante D.; Ferrari M.; Ferreccio C.; Ferrieres J.; Finn J.D.; Fischer K.; Flores E.M.; Föger B.; Foo L.H.; Forslund A.-S.; Fortmann S.P.; Fouad H.M.; Francis D.K.; Do Carmo Franco M.; Franco O.H.; Frontera G.; Fuchs F.D.; Fuchs S.C.; Fujita Y.; Furusawa T.; Gaciong Z.; Gafencu M.; Gareta D.; Garnett S.P.; Gaspoz J.-M.; Gasull M.; Gates L.; Geleijnse J.M.; Ghasemian A.; Giampaoli S.; Gianfagna F.; Giovannelli J.; Giwercman A.; Goldsmith R.A.; Gross M.G.; Rivas J.P.G.; Gorbea M.B.; Gottrand F.; Graff-Iversen S.; Grafnetter D.; Grajda A.; Grammatikopoulou M.G.; Gregor R.D.; Grodzicki T.; Grøntved A.; Gruden G.; Grujic V.; Gu D.; Guan O.P.; Gudnason V.; Guerrero R.; Guessous I.; Guimaraes A.L.; Gulliford M.C.; Gunnlaugsdottir J.; Guo X.H.; Guo Y.; Gupta P.C.; Gureje O.; Gurzkowska B.; Gutierrez L.; Gutzwiller F.; Halkjær J.; Hardy R.; Kumar R.H.; Hayes A.J.; He J.; Hendriks M.E.; Cadena L.H.; Heshmat R.; Hihtaniemi I.T.; Ho S.Y.; Ho S.C.; Hobbs M.; Hofman A.; Hormiga C.M.; Horta B.L.; Houti L.; Htay T.T.; Htet A.S.; Htike M.M.T.; Hu Y.; Hussieni A.S.; Huu C.N.; Huybrechts I.; Hwalla N.; Iacoviello L.; Iannone A.G.; Ibrahim M.M.; Ikram M.A.; Irazola V.E.; Islam M.; Iwasaki M.; Jackson R.T.; Jacobs J.M.; Jafar T.; Jamil K.M.; Jamrozik K.; Jasienska G.; Jiang C.Q.; Joffres M.; Johansson M.; Jonas J.B.; Jørgensen T.; Joshi P.; Juolevi A.; Jurak G.; Jureša V.; Kaaks R.; Kafatos A.; Kalter-Leibovici O.; Kapantais E.; Kasaeian A.; Katz J.; Kaur P.; Kavousi M.; Keil U.; Boker L.K.; Kelishadi R.; Kemper H.H.C.G.; Kengne A.P.; Kersting M.; Key T.; Khader Y.S.; Khalili D.; Khaw K.-T.H.; Khouw I.M.S.L.; Kiechl S.; Killewo J.; Kim J.; Kiyohara Y.; Klimont J.; Kolle E.; Kolsteren P.; Korrovits P.; Koskinen S.; Kouda K.; Koziel S.; Kratzer W.; Krokstad S.; Kromhout D.; Kruger H.S.; Kula K.; Kulaga Z.; Kumar R.K.; Kusuma Y.S.; Kuulasmaa K.; Laamiri F.Z.; Laatikainen T.; Lachat C.; Laid Y.; Lam T.H.; Landrove O.; Lanska V.; Lappas G.; Laugsand L.E.; Le Nguyen Bao K.; Le T.D.; Leclercq C.; Lee J.; Lee J.; Lehtimäki T.; Rampal L.; León-Munoz L.M.; Lim W.-Y.; Lima-Costa M.F.; Lin X.; Linneberg A.; Lissner L.; Litwin M.; Liu J.; Lorbeer R.; Lotufo P.A.; Lozano J.E.; Luksiene D.; Lundqvist A.; Lunet N.; Lytsy P.; Ma G.; Machi S.; Maggi S.; Magliano D.J.; Makdisse M.; Malekzadeh R.; Malhotra R.; Rao K.M.; Manios Y.; Mann J.I.; Manzato E.; Margozzini P.; Markey O.; Marques-Vidal P.; Marrugat J.; Martin-Prevel Y.; Martorell R.; Masoodi S.R.; Matsha T.E.; Mazur A.; Mbanya J.C.N.; McFarlane S.R.; McGarvey S.T.; McKee M.; McLachlan S.; McLean R.M.; McNulty B.A.; Md Yusof S.; Mediene-Benchekor S.; Meirhaeghe A.; Meisinger C.; Mendes L.L.; Menezes A.M.B.; Mensink G.B.M.; Meshram I.I.; Metspalu A.; Mi J.; Michaelsen K.F.; Mikkel K.; Miller J.C.; Miquel J.F.; Mišigoj-Duraković M.; Mohamed M.K.; Mohammad K.; Mohammadifard N.; Mohan V.; Yusoff M.F.M.; Molbo D.; Møller N.C.; Molnár D.; Mondo C.K.; Monterrubio E.A.; Monyeki K.D.K.; Moreira L.B.; Morejon A.; Moreno L.A.; Morgan K.; Mortensen E.L.; Moschonis G.; Mossakowska M.; Mota J.; Motlagh M.E.; Motta J.; Mu T.T.; Muiesan M.L.; Müller-Nurasyid M.; Murphy N.; Mursu J.; Murtagh E.M.; Musa K.I.; Musil V.; Nagel G.; Nakamura H.; Námešná J.; Nang E.E.K.; Nangia V.B.; Nankap M.; Narake S.; Navarrete-Muñoz E.M.; Nenko I.; Neovius M.; Nervi F.; Neuhauser H.K.; Nguyen N.D.; Nguyen Q.N.; Nieto-Martínez R.E.; Ning G.; Ninomiya T.; Nishtar S.; Noale M.; Norat T.; Noto D.; Al Nsour M.; O'Reilly D.; Ochoa-Avilés A.M.; Oh K.; Olayan I.H.; Olinto M.T.A.; Oltarzewski M.; Omar M.A.; Onat A.; 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Stessman J.; Stieber J.; Stöckl D.; Stocks T.; Stokwiszewski J.; Stratton G.; Strufaldi M.W.; Sun C.-A.; Sundström J.; Sung Y.-T.; Sunyer J.; Suriyawongpaisal P.; Swinburn B.A.; Sy R.G.; Szponar L.; Tai E.S.; Tammesoo M.-L.; Tamosiunas A.; Tang L.; Tang X.; Tanser F.; Tao Y.; Tarawneh M.; Tarp J.; Tarqui-Mamani C.B.; Taylor A.; Tchibindat F.; Thijs L.; Thuesen B.H.; Tjonneland A.; Tolonen H.K.; Tolstrup J.S.; Topbas M.; Topór-Madry R.; Torrent M.; Traissac P.; Trichopoulou A.; Trichopoulos D.; Trinh O.T.H.; Trivedi A.; Tshepo L.; Tulloch-Reid M.K.; Tuomainen T.-P.; Tuomilehto J.; Tynelius P.; Tzotzas T.; Tzourio C.; Ueda P.; Ukoli F.A.M.; Ulmer H.; Unal B.; Valdivia G.; Vale S.; Valvi D.; Van Der Schouw Y.T.; Van Herck K.; Van Minh H.; Van Valkengoed I.G.M.; Vanderschueren D.; Vanuzzo D.; Vatten L.; Vega T.; Velasquez-Melendez G.; Veronesi G.; Monique Verschuren W.M.; Viegi G.; Viet L.; Viikari-Juntura E.; Vineis P.; Vioque J.; Virtanen J.K.; Visvikis-Siest S.; Viswanathan B.; Vollenweider P.; Voutilainen S.; Vrijheid M.; Wade A.N.; Wagner A.; Walton J.; Mohamud W.N.W.; Wang M.-D.; Wang Q.; Wang Y.X.; Wannamethee S.G.; Wareham N.; Weerasekera D.; Whincup P.H.; Widhalm K.; Widyahening I.S.; Wiecek A.; Wilks R.J.; Willeit J.; Wojtyniak B.; Wong J.E.; Wong T.Y.; Woo J.; Woodward M.; Wu F.C.; Wu J.; Wu S.L.; Xu H.; Xu L.; Yamborisut U.; Yan W.; Yang X.; Yardim N.; Ye X.; Yiallouros P.K.; Yoshihara A.; You Q.S.; Younger-Coleman N.O.; Yusoff A.F.; Zainuddin A.A.; Zambon S.; Zdrojewski T.; Zeng Y.; Zhao D.; Zhao W.; Zheng Y.; Zhou M.; Zhu D.; Zimmermann E.; Cisneros J.Z.“… the rise in obesity at its 2010 levels, if post-2000 trends continue. Findings We used 1698 population…”
Published in The Lancet (2016)
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219by Fauzi, Roslinda; Daik, Rusli; Fauzi, Basirah; Mamauod, Siti Nur Liyana“… replace the conventional base fluid since the thermal conductivity results were comparable with those…”
Published in BIORESOURCES (2025)
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220by Erfani N.; Baharudin L.; Watson M.“…. Despite various technological changes proposed and implemented since its inception, the Haber-Bosch…”
Published in Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification (2024)
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