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261by Aziz N.A.S.; Yahaya Bermakai M.; Mohd Yusoff M.Z.“…Since antireflective coating (ARC) has the ability to lessen optical loss experienced by solar…”
Published in Journal of Optics (United Kingdom) (2025)
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262by Hu H.; Dolah N.A.; Ahmad N.D.“… to difficulties for users in management. In addition, since LIMS are very complex, they are often designed to meet…”
Published in Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (2024)
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Conference paper -
263by Kurniawan R.; Hidayat Y.; Annisaa; Wiguno L.T.H.; Kurniawan A.W.; Alam I.G.; Carsiwan; Latif R.A.; Haetami M.“… review using the PRISMA diagram method. The articles used were sourced from several SINTA and Scopus…”
Published in International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences (2024)
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264“…Objective: The widespread adoption of digital devices has surged, particularly since…”
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265by Mobbs G.W.; Aziz A.A.; Dix S.R.; Blackburn G.M.; Sedelnikova S.E.; Minshull T.C.; Dickman M.J.; Baker P.J.; Nathan S.; Raih M.F.; Rice D.W.“… of a complex between BLF1 C94S and human eIF4A shows that the toxin binds in the cleft between the two…”
Published in Communications Biology (2022)
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266by Jiffrin R.; Razak S.I.A.; Jamaludin M.I.; Hamzah A.S.A.; Mazian M.A.; Jaya M.A.T.; Nasrullah M.Z.; Majrashi M.; Theyab A.; Aldarmahi A.A.; Awan Z.; Abdel-Daim M.M.; Azad A.K.“… is a promising method of creating a nanofibrous membrane since it enables drugs to be placed…”
Published in Polymers (2022)
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Review -
267by Al-Jipouri A.; Almurisi S.H.; Al-Japairai K.; Bakar L.M.; Doolaanea A.A.“…. The preparation methods of EVs are distinguished from LPs since they rely mainly on extraction and purification…”
Published in Polymers (2023)
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Review -
268by Othman N.A.; Foozy C.F.M.; Mustapha A.; Mostafa S.A.; Palaniappan S.; Kashinath S.A.“… in accuracy and recall but low precision. Naïve Bayes, on the other hand, has high recall since it is a picky…”
Published in International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics (2021)
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269by Tarudin N.F.; Kordi N.E.; Aziz T.N.A.T.; Adlan M.A.A.“… equipment. Based on these activities, the personnel are exposed to various kinds of hazards and safety…”
Published in AIP Conference Proceedings (2018)
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Conference paper -
270by Abdullah N.H.H.; Kuan N.W.; Ibrahim A.; Ismail B.N.; Majid M.R.A.; Ramli R.; Mansor N.S.“… of moisture content using TDR especially for sandy and loamy soils, however in clayey soil, are yet…”
Published in AIP Conference Proceedings (2018)
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Conference paper -
271by Ridwan, Mohammad; Akther, Afsana; Tamim, Md. Ahsanul; Ridzuan, Abdul Rahim; Esquivias, Miguel Angel; Wibowo, Wisnu“…, biodiversity depletion, and increasing vulnerability to environmental change. Since many member countries…”
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272by Bentham J.; Di Cesare M.; Stevens G.A.; Zhou B.; Bixby H.; Cowan M.; Fortunato L.; Bennett J.E.; Danaei G.; Hajifathalian K.; Lu Y.; Riley L.M.; Laxmaiah A.; Kontis V.; Paciorek C.J.; Riboli E.; Ezzati M.; Abdeen Z.A.; Hamid Z.A.; Abu-Rmeileh N.M.; Acosta-Cazares B.; Adams R.; Aekplakorn W.; Aguilar-Salinas C.A.; Agyemang C.; Ahmadvand A.; Ahrens W.; Alhazzaa H.M.; Al-Othman A.R.; Raddadi R.A.; Ali M.M.; Alkerwi A.; Alvarez-Pedrerol M.; Aly E.; Amouyel P.; Amuzu A.; Andersen L.B.; Anderssen S.A.; Anjana R.M.; Aounallah-Skhiri H.; Ariansen I.; Aris T.; Arlappa N.; Arveiler D.; Assah F.K.; Avdicová M.; Azizi F.; Babu B.V.; Bahijri S.; Balakrishna N.; Bandosz P.; Banegas J.R.; Barbagallo C.M.; Barceló A.; Barkat A.; Barros M.V.; Bata I.; Batieha A.M.; Batista R.L.; Baur L.A.; Beaglehole R.; Romdhane H.B.; Benet M.; Bernabe-Ortiz A.; Bernotiene G.; Bettiol H.; Bhagyalaxmi A.; Bharadwaj S.; Bhargava S.K.; Bhatti Z.; Bhutta Z.A.; Bi H.; Bi Y.; Bjerregaard P.; Bjertness E.; Bjertness M.B.; Björkelund C.; Blokstra A.; Bo S.; Bobak M.; Boddy L.M.; Boehm B.O.; Boeing H.; Boissonnet C.P.; Bongard V.; Bovet P.; Braeckman L.; Bragt M.C.E.; Brajkovich I.; Branca F.; Breckenkamp J.; Brenner H.; Brewster L.M.; Brian G.R.; Bruno G.; Bueno-De-mesquita H.B.; Bugge A.; Burns C.; de León A.C.; Cacciottolo J.; Cama T.; Cameron C.; Camolas J.; Can G.; Cândido A.P.C.; Capuano V.; Cardoso V.C.; Carlsson A.C.; Carvalho M.J.; Casanueva F.F.; Casas J.-P.; Caserta C.A.; Chamukuttan S.; Chan A.W.; Chan Q.; Chaturvedi H.K.; Chaturvedi N.; Chen C.-J.; Chen F.; Chen H.; Chen S.; Chen Z.; Cheng C.-Y.; Chetrit A.; Chiolero A.; Chiou S.-T.; Chirita-Emandi A.; Cho B.; Cho Y.; Christensen K.; Chudek J.; Cifkova R.; Claessens F.; Clays E.; Concin H.; Cooper C.; Cooper R.; Coppinger T.C.; Costanzo S.; Cottel D.; Cowell C.; Craig C.L.; Crujeiras A.B.; D’Arrigo G.; D’Orsi E.; Dallongeville J.; Damasceno A.; Damsgaard C.T.; Dankner R.; Dauchet L.; De Backer G.; De Bacquer D.; de Gaetano G.; De Henauw S.; De Smedt D.; 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Younger-Coleman N.O.; Yusoff A.F.; Zainuddin A.A.; Zambon S.; Zdrojewski T.; Zeng Y.; Zhao D.; Zhao W.; Zheng Y.; Zhou M.; Zhu D.; Zimmermann E.; Cisneros J.Z.Get full text
Published in eLife (2016)
Article -
273by Razali R.; Arifin M.A.; Shafie L.A.; Azizan F.L.; Ishak M.A.M.“… education is an evolving topic, with contributions from scholars since 2006. It emerged from this study…”
Published in Cogent Business and Management (2024)
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Review -
274by Abdul Halim N.H.; Che Haron C.H.; Abdul Ghani J.“…. The findings displayed cryogenic CO2 as a promising coolant since it resulted in slower tool wear rate compared…”
Published in International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing (2020)
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275“… level. The removal of glyphosate from the environment is usually done by microbiological process since…”
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276“… methods (CQA_PF and CQA_Ff) outperformed the other algorithms since it has the highest throughput…”
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277by Ismail N.N.; Kamaruding M.; Ali N.H.N.; Khairuddin D.; Muis A.M.R.A.; Ali M.Z.M.“… is tough since the classroom must satisfy many students’ religious and cultural perspectives. Engineers…”
Published in Studies in Systems, Decision and Control (2025)
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Book chapter -
278by Andriati S.L.; Rizki I.K.; Malian A.N.B.M.“… and secondary data from literature reviews, this study finds that AI systems can only assist judges by providing…”
Published in Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies (2024)
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279“… exhibited with experimental results since the average percentage difference of CLincre magnitude…”
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280by Nordin A.H.; Yusoff A.H.; Husna S.M.N.; Noor S.F.M.; Norfarhana A.S.; Paiman S.H.; Ilyas R.A.; Nordin M.L.; Osman M.S.; Abdullah N.“…. Nanocellulose is often used in adsorption to remove pollutants from wastewater since it is an abundant, green…”
Published in International Journal of Biological Macromolecules (2024)
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