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41“… incomplete and partially reliable. In the fuzzy set theory, Z-numbers are introduced to handle this situation…”
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42by Sinnathamby A.; Ong Y.T.; Lim S.X.; Hiew A.W.H.; Ng S.Y.; Chee J.H.; Tan M.K.M.; Abdul Hamid N.A.B.; Ong S.Y.K.; Krishna L.K.R.“…’ suffering, they are vulnerable to the costs of caring—the emotional distress associated with providing…”
Published in American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (2025)
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43“… in a posture that could present some risk of injury from their work posture. Therefore, a change…”
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44by Misman D.; Rahman N.H.A.; Aziz M.Z.A.A.“…Microwave imaging is a promising technique for detecting breast tumors, offering an alternative…”
Published in ISAP 2024 - International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (2024)
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Conference paper -
45by Agarwal A.; Cannarella R.; Saleh R.; Boitrelle F.; Gül M.; Toprak T.; Salvio G.; Arafa M.; Russo G.I.; Harraz A.M.; Singh R.; Garrido N.; Abdel-Meguid Hamoda T.A.-A.; Rambhatla A.; Kavoussi P.; Kuroda S.; Çalik G.; Saini P.; Ceyhan E.; Dimitriadis F.; Henkel R.; Crafa A.; Palani A.; Duran M.B.; Maziotis E.; Saïs É.; Bendayan M.; Darbandi M.; Le T.V.; Gunes S.; Tsioulou P.; Sengupta P.; Hazir B.; Çeker G.; Darbandi S.; Durairajanayagam D.; Aghamajidi A.; Alkhalidi N.; Sogutdelen E.; Leisegang K.; Alarbid A.; Ho C.C.K.; Malhotra V.; Finocchi F.; Crisóstomo L.; Kosgi R.; ElBardisi H.; Zini A.; Birowo P.; Colpi G.; Park H.J.; Serefoglu E.C.; Nguyen Q.; Ko E.; de la Rosette J.; Pinggera G.M.; Nguyen H.V.P.; Kandil H.; Shah R.“… the same period. This is in contrast to other SRMAs which have compared semen parameters before and after…”
Published in World Journal of Men's Health (2022)
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46by Othman, Azizah; Hassan, Nurul Nadia; Jahan, Shahrina Shah; Husen, Rafidah“…. As for the antioxidant potential of the fruit, both the flesh and seed treated with Superheated-Steam (SHS) showed…”
Published in JURNAL GIZI DAN PANGAN (2024)
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47Effects of Hormonal Regulation on Cell Number and Cell Size in Determining Fruit Size: A Mini-Reviewby Karim, Siti Khadijah A.; Zainal, Zamri; Sidik, Nik Marzuki“…, the process of cell number production followed by the increase of cell size has been widely studied. Molecular…”
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Review -
48by Ramli A.R.; Ahmad S.; Seow L.J.; Nizori A.; Law L.H.; Seow E.K.“…Dark chocolate is a popular snack, but its high sugar content raises health concerns. This study…”
Published in Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization (2024)
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49by Agarwal A.; Finelli R.; Durairajanayagam D.; Leisegang K.; Sharma R.; Gupta S.; Singh N.; Belo A.; Darbandi M.; Madani S.; Covarrubias S.; Darbandi S.; Sadeghi R.; Pompeu C.; Boitrelle F.; Kandil H.; Saleh R.; Arafa M.; Vogiatzi P.; Rosas I.M.; Anagnostopoulou C.; Chockalingam A.; Wirka K.A.; Sallam H.N.; Shah R.; Henkel R.“… included manual semen analysis, sperm morphology and ancillary semen tests (testing for leukocytospermia…”
Published in World Journal of Men's Health (2021)
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50by Elbardisi H.; Agarwal A.; Majzoub A.; Al Said S.; Alnawasra H.; Khalafalla K.; Al Rumaihi K.; Al Ansari A.; Durairaganayagam D.; Arafa M.“…Background: We examined the impact of the number of veins ligated during varicocelectomy…”
Published in Translational Andrology and Urology (2017)
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51“…. Users of e-health systems actively participate in a patient social network system (PSNS) to share health…”
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52by Lestari E.D.; Abd Hamid N.; Shamsuddin R.; Kurniasari F.; Yaacob Z.“…In spite of the devastating effects of COVID-19 on businesses, many SMEs have demonstrated…”
Published in Cogent Business and Management (2024)
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53by Ilias M.H.; Khairuddin N.; Zolkapli M.; Zain Z.M.; Bakar N.F.A.; Rani R.A.; Manut A.; Zoolfakar A.S.“… to be deposited on the SPGE. In addition to that, different number of cycles during electrodeposition process…”
Published in International Journal of Nanoelectronics and Materials (2023)
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54by Cannarella R.; Shah R.; Abo-Almagd Abdel-Meguid Hamoda T.; Boitrelle F.; Saleh R.; Gul M.; Rambhatla A.; Kavoussi P.; Toprak T.; Harraz A.M.; Ko E.; Çeker G.; Durairajanayagam D.; Alkahidi N.; Kuroda S.; Crafa A.; Henkel R.; Salvio G.; Hazir B.; Darbandi M.; Bendayan M.; Darbandi S.; Falcone M.; Garrido N.; Kosgi R.; Kaiyal R.S.; Karna K.; Ho Vinh Phuoc N.; Birowo P.; Colpi G.M.; de la Rosette J.; Pinggera G.-M.; Nguyen Q.; Zini A.; Zohdy W.; Singh R.; Saini P.; Glina S.; Lin H.; Mostafa T.; Rojas-Cruz C.; Arafa M.; Calogero A.E.; Dimitriadis F.; Kothari P.; Karthikeyan V.S.; Okada K.; Chiba K.; Kadıoglu A.; Altay B.; Turunc T.; Zilaitiene B.; Gokalp F.; Adamyan A.; Katz D.; Chung E.; Mierzwa T.C.; Zylbersztejn D.S.; Paul G.M.; Sofikitis N.; Sokolakis I.; Malhotra V.; Brodjonegoro S.R.; Adriansjah R.; Tsujimura A.; Amano T.; Balercia G.; Ziouziou I.; Deswanto I.A.; Martinez M.; Park H.J.; Bakırcıoglu M.E.; Ceyhan E.; Aydos K.; Ramsay J.; Minhas S.; Hashimi M.A.; Ghayda R.A.; Tadros N.; Sindhwani P.; Ho C.C.K.; Rachman R.I.; Pena M.R.; Motawi A.; Ponnusamy A.K.; Dipankar S.; Amir A.; Binsaleh S.; Serefoglu E.C.; Banthia R.; Khalafalla K.; Basukarno A.; Bac N.H.; Singla K.; Ambar R.F.; Makarounis K.; Priyadarshi S.; Kusuma Duarsa G.W.; Atmoko W.; Jindal S.; Arianto E.; Akhavizadegan H.; Bardisi H.E.; Shoshany O.; Busetto G.M.; Moussa M.; Jamali M.; Al-Marhoon M.S.; Ruzaev M.; Farsi H.M.A.; Mutambirwa S.; Lee D.S.; Kulaksiz D.; Cheng Y.-S.; Bouzouita A.; Sarikaya S.; Kandil H.; Tsampoukas G.; Ala’a F.; Bowa K.; Savira M.; Mogharabian N.; Le T.V.; Harjanggi M.; Anh D.T.; Tien Long T.Q.; Soebadi M.A.; Hakim L.; Tanic M.; Ari U.C.; Parikh F.R.; Calik G.; Vinod K.V.; Dorji G.; Rezano A.; Rajmil O.; Ba Tien D.M.; Yuan Y.; Lizarraga-Salas J.F.; Eze B.; Ngoo K.S.; Lee J.; Arslan U.; Agarwal A.“…, with no language restrictions, comparing intra-person conventional semen parameters before and after the repair…”
Published in World Journal of Men's Health (2023)
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55by Acharya U.R.; Akter A.; Chowriappa P.; Dua S.; Raghavendra U.; Koh J.E.W.; Tan J.H.; Leong S.S.; Vijayananthan A.; Hagiwara Y.; Ramli M.T.; Ng K.H.“… ultrasonography is tedious as ovarian tumors exhibit minute clinical and structural differences between…”
Published in International Journal of Fuzzy Systems (2018)
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56by Ketong, Ou; Mazlan, Nurul Hijja“… roles. This empirical study specifically investigates and explores the factors influencing the user…”
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Proceedings Paper -
57by Norzaidi M.D.; Chong S.C.; Salwani M.I.“… whether task-technology fit, perceived resistance, user resistance and usage influence managers…”
Published in Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives (2008)
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59by Mohd Fuzi N.A.N.; Jantan K.A.; Abu Bakar A.R.; Nik Daud N.M.A.; Jalil M.N.; Mohd Zaki H.; Mohamed Sapari J.; Gulam Ali S.B.“…The iodide-bridged dimeric palladium complex [NnBu4 ]2 [Pd2 I6 ] was synthesized and characterized…”
Published in Malaysian Applied Biology (2024)
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60by Agarwal A.; Sharma R.; Gupta S.; Finelli R.; Parekh N.; Selvam M.K.P.; Pompeu C.P.; Madani S.; Belo A.; Darbandi M.; Singh N.; Darbandi S.; Covarrubias S.; Sadeghi R.; Arafa M.; Majzoub A.; Caraballo M.; Giroski A.; McNulty K.; Durairajanayagam D.; Henkel R.“…Semen analysis is a basic test for evaluating male fertility potential, as it plays an essential…”
Published in World Journal of Men's Health (2022)
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