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861by Hasan, Ahmad Syauqi Md; Nor, Noorsuhada Md; Jamaludin, Amril Hadri; Ruslan, Amir Khomeiny; Osman, Nur Masyitah; Sooria, Sherliza Zaini; Saliah, Soffian Noor Mat; Fauzi, Mohd Azrizal“… was 4.75 mm, like the natural sand (NA) used. Several ratios of RCA, NFA, and EPA (fine aggregate) were…”
Published in JURNAL KEJURUTERAAN (2024)
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862by Mohsen, Masfaliza; Tawil, Norngainy Mohd; Maulud, Khairul Nizam Abdul; Sahi, Siti Rosemawar Mohd; Zaki, Zulkhairy Affandy Mohd“… are unproductive. Settlements were also destroyed by the sea and had to be displaced due to severe erosion…”
Published in JURNAL KEJURUTERAAN (2024)
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863by Nisa U.; Iswantini D.; Ahmad S.N.; Mahat M.M.; Putra B.R.; Saskito D.I.B.; Wahyuni W.T.“…, the proposed sensor exhibited high selectivity for glucose detection against several potential interferences…”
Published in Jurnal Kimia Valensi (2024)
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864by Wang P.-Y.; Tseng W.-C.; Lee M.-C.; Hsu L.-M.; Shin S.D.; Jamaluddin S.F.; Tanaka H.; Son D.N.; Hong K.J.; Riyapan S.; Haedar A.; Chiang W.-C.; Rao R.; Abraham G.P.; Ramakrishnan T.V.; Jamaluddin S.F.; Mohidin M.A.B.; Saim A.-H.; Kean L.C.; Anthonysamy C.; Yssof S.J.D.M.; Ji K.W.; Kheng C.P.; Ali S.B.M.; Ramanathan P.; Yang C.B.; Chia H.W.; Hamad H.B.; Ismail S.A.; Abdullah W.R.B.W.; Kimura A.; Velasco B.; Gundran C.D.; Convocar P.; G.Sabarre N.; Tiglao P.J.; Hong K.J.; Song K.J.; Jeong J.; Moon S.W.; Kim J.-Y.; Cha W.C.; Lee S.C.; Ahn J.Y.; Lee K.H.; Yeom S.R.; Ryu H.H.; Kim S.J.; Kim S.C.; Sun J.T.; Wang R.-F.; Hsieh S.-L.; Kao W.-F.; Tianwibool P.; Buaprasert P.; Akaraborworn O.; Al Sakaf O.A.; LLC S.F.; Huy L.B.; Son D.N.; Van Dai N.; Hong K.J.; Khruekarnchana P.; Son D.N.“…, injury epidemiology, and excess mortality ratio-adjusted injury severity score (EMR-ISS) were collected…”
Published in Scientific Reports (2023)
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865by Cogger V.C.; Mohamad M.; Solon-Biet S.M.; Senior A.M.; Warren A.; O’Reilly J.N.; Tung B.T.; Svistounov D.; McMahon A.C.; Fraser R.; Raubenheimer D.; Holmes A.J.; Simpson S.J.; Le Couteur D.G.“… abundance of Firmicutes and reduced abundance of Bacteroidetes. Diet-induced changes in levels of several…”
Published in American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology (2016)
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866by Izzat M.F.; Sa'dan S.'.; Bahrin U.F.M.; Ishak S.N.H.; Yasin S.N.S.; Ibrahim N.; Nor M.“… complications and improving patient outcomes. Given the potential severity of the infection, the importance…”
Published in 2024 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Sciences, AiDAS 2024 - Proceedings (2024)
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Conference paper -
867by Al-Worafi Y.M.; Chooi W.H.; Tan C.S.; Lua P.L.; Farrukh M.J.; Zulkifly H.H.; Ming L.C.“…The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing technologies has ushered…”
Published in Journal of Research in Pharmacy (2024)
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868by Afendi M.A.S.M.; Yusoff M.“…Sound event detection (SED) assists in the detainment of intruders. In recent decades, several SED…”
Published in IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (2022)
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869by Kamdi N.; Hassan N.A.; Jamal S.A.“… various relevant sources and it is concluded that despite of Malaysia has some of the best universities…”
Published in Heritage, Culture and Society: Research agenda and best practices in the hospitality and tourism industry - Proceedings of the 3rd International Hospitality and Tourism Conference, IHTC 2016 and 2nd International Seminar on Tourism, ISOT 2016 (2016)
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Conference paper -
870by Aziz Aris M.; Abd. Kadir E.; Mat Zain M.Y.; Ismael Rizman Z.; Rabi'ah Husin N.H.“…. Some optimizations and analyses are performed such as varying the patch length and width with fixed…”
Published in World Applied Sciences Journal (2013)
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871by Palafox B.; McKee M.; Balabanova D.; Alhabib K.F.; Avezum A., Jr.; Bahonar A.; Ismail N.; Chifamba J.; Chow C.K.; Corsi D.J.; Dagenais G.R.; Diaz R.; Gupta R.; Iqbal R.; Kaur M.; Khatib R.; Kruger A.; Kruger I.M.; Lanas F.; Lopez-Jaramillo P.; Minfan F.; Mohan V.; Mony P.K.; Oguz A.; Palileo-Villanueva L.M.; Perel P.; Poirier P.; Rangarajan S.; Rensheng L.; Rosengren A.; Soman B.; Stuckler D.; Subramanian S.V.; Teo K.; Tsolekile L.P.; Wielgosz A.; Yaguang P.; Yeates K.; Yongzhen M.; Yusoff K.; Yusuf R.; Yusufali A.; Zatońska K.; Yusuf S.“… distribution was observed for hypertension control in countries at all levels of economic development. In some…”
Published in International Journal for Equity in Health (2016)
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872by Rahman, Muhammad Fazrulilahi Abdul; Kamal, Norashikin Ahmad; Abdullah, Jazuri; Quaranta, Emanuele; Shin, Sangmin“… and pressure regulation. The deployment of this technology in Malaysia has been impeded by several obstacles…”
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Review -
873by Chew M.E.; Ng L.S.; Jaafar N.M.; Yeap C.K.“… comparative analysis was performed, structured in several steps: data organisation and categorisation…”
Published in 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature (2024)
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874by Alias M.A.H.; Aziz M.A.A.; Hambali N.; Taib M.N.“… misinterpretation during the classification, we therefore presented a study comparing several feature selection (FS…”
Published in International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2024)
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875by Jawad A.H.; Mohamad Azhar N.N.; Hapiz A.; ALOthman Z.A.; Wilson L.D.“…) of SDPS for MB dye was found to be 122.3 mg/g at 25°C. Several contributions to the MB dye adsorption…”
Published in International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (2024)
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876by Razali M.; Ismail M.A.M.; Yee A.L.K.; Adnan R.A.A.R.; Kawano K.; Date K.; Yokota Y.; Nagendran S.K.; Zainal Z.“… compared to previous similar studies tested on several types of rock show a statistically significant…”
Published in KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (2023)
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877by Dinter C.; Gumprecht A.; Menze M.A.; Azizan A.; Hansen S.; Büchs J.“… the usefulness of the already established critical phase numbers of 0.91 and 1.26, while underlying…”
Published in Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2025)
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878by Shurovi M.; Yahaya M.F.; Hajimia H.; Hasan Md.K.“… empirical studies. In addition, this review summarized the research methods, highlighting key themes…”
Published in International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research (2025)
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Review -
879by Hamidi Z.S.; Ansor N.M.; Shariff N.N.M.“… with geomagnetic storm that have occurred, this acts as a reference to predict any possibilities of severe events…”
Published in Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (2024)
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880“… and obstacles, notably in infrastructure and economic viability. Hydrogen may be generated from several sources…”
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