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561by Saman W.S.W.M.; Haider A.; Shaifuddin N.“… in courts. The Task-Technology Fit theory and the Socio-Technical Fit theory is considered to be necessary…”
Published in Creating Global Competitive Economies: 2020 Vision Planning and Implementation - Proceedings of the 22nd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2013 (2013)
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Conference paper -
562by Aziz N.C.; Alahmad B.E.M.; Kashmoola M.A.; Lestari W.; Rosdy N.M.M.N.M.; Mokhtar K.I.“… is traditionally consumed by cancer patients to fight against tumor growth. To date, research on the anticancer…”
Published in European Journal of Dentistry (2025)
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563by Mohamed A.S.; Hanafi N.I.; Sheikh Abdul Kadir S.H.; Md Noor J.; Abdul Hamid Hasani N.; Ab Rahim S.; Siran R.“… of UDCA cardioprotection is still poorly understood. The current data generated were the first to show…”
Published in Cell Biochemistry and Function (2017)
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564by Mohd Tamil A.; Ismail N.H.; Jaafar M.H.; Md Isa Z.; Ismail R.; Mat Nasir N.; Miskan M.; Zainol Abidin N.; Ab Razak N.H.; Joundi R.; Yusof K.H.“… Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV) Composite International…”
Published in Heliyon (2024)
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565by Judge C.; O'Donnell M.J.; Hankey G.J.; Rangarajan S.; Chin S.L.; Rao-Melacini P.; Ferguson J.; Smyth A.; Xavier D.; Lisheng L.; Zhang H.; Lopez-Jaramillo P.; Damasceno A.; Langhorne P.; Rosengren A.; Dans A.L.; Elsayed A.; Avezum A.; Mondo C.; Ryglewicz D.; Czlonkowska A.; Pogosova N.; Weimar C.; Diaz R.; Yusoff K.; Yusufali A.; Oguz A.; Wang X.; Lanas F.; Ogah O.S.; Ogunniyi A.; Iversen H.K.; Malaga G.; Rumboldt Z.; Oveisgharan S.; Al Hussain F.; Yusuf S.“… of acute first stroke and 9,726 matched controls from 27 countries and estimated the 24-hour sodium…”
Published in American Journal of Hypertension (2021)
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566by Jawad, Ali H.; Deris, Raja Razuan Raja; Agha, Hasan M.; Hapiz, Ahmad; Wu, Ruihong; Alothman, Zeid A.“… that the process of MV 2B dye removal onto OSP closely fits the pseudo-second-order kinetic model and Freundlich…”
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Article; Early Access -
567by Suhaimi, Aiman; Jawad, Ali H.; Yusoff, Mohd Zaki Mohd; Wilson, Lee D.; Alothman, Zeid A.“…. The Freundlich model fits best with Cs-Alg-Zl-AD while Langmuir and Temkin models account for the Cs-Alg-Zl-FD…”
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568by Kabir M.R.; Sobhani F.A.; Omar N.; Mohamad N.“… that the corporate risk disclosures will be positively associated with the quality of the firm's corporate governance…”
Published in International Journal of Financial Research (2019)
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570“… properties and acceptable four-factor model fits, indicating that it is a valid tool to measure the OHRQoL…”
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571“… fits either Langmuir or Freundlich’s isotherm model along with the pseudo-second-order kinetic model. Δ…”
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Review -
572“… Religious Schools (Tahfiz Institution) after the wake of the tragic incident of a deadly fire at Tahfiz…”
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573“… fish exposed to Disperse Yellow 7 exhibited a minimum LC50 of 0.01 mg/L. Anaerobic membrane bioreactors…”
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Review -
574“…. Methods and Materials: Fity-seven liquid-based preparation slides from gynecology specimens were screened…”
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575by Ghouse R.M.; Natasha A.N.; Shahedan N.F.; Ramesh S.; Bang L.T.“… of calcium oxide from eggshells, seashells, and animal bones (cow, chicken, fish) via the wet method. The dry…”
Published in International Journal of Integrated Engineering (2024)
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576by Siau C.S.; Tan Y.K.; Ibrahim N.; Kõlves K.; Zhang J.; Fariduddin M.N.; Chua B.S.; Cheah W.L.; Syed Elias S.M.; Mat Ali S.N.; In S.; Lim A.L.S.; Subramaniam G.; Wider W.; Mohd Sidik S.; Tan S.T.; Lew B.; Chan L.F.“… for the Malay SBQ-R, with acceptable fit indices (χ2/df = 0.451, comparative and Tucker–Lewis fit indices…”
Published in Behavioral Sciences (2024)
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577by Mulder J.W.C.M.; Tromp T.R.; Al-Khnifsawi M.; Blom D.J.; Chlebus K.; Cuchel M.; D’Erasmo L.; Gallo A.; Kees Hovingh G.; Kim N.T.; Long J.; Raal F.J.; Schonck W.A.M.; Soran H.; Truong T.-H.; Boersma E.; Roeters van Lennep J.E.; Freiberger T.; Tichy L.; Defesche J.C.; Zuurbier L.; Pang J.; Watts G.F.; Greber-Platzer S.; Mäser M.; Stulnig T.M.; Ebenbichler C.F.; Thaní K.B.; Cassiman D.; Descamps O.S.; Rymen D.; Witters P.; Santos R.D.; Brunham L.R.; Francis G.A.; Genest J.; Hegele R.A.; Kennedy B.A.; Ruel I.; Sherman M.H.; Wang L.; Reiner Ž.; Blaha V.; Ceska R.; Dvorakova J.; Horak P.; Soska V.; Urbanék R.; Vaverkova H.; Vrablik M.; Zemek S.; Zlatohlavek L.; Emil S.; Naguib T.A.; Reda A.; Béliard S.; Bruckert E.; Kolovou G.; Liberopoulos E.; Cohen H.; Durst R.; Dann E.J.; Elis A.; Hussein O.; Leitersdorf E.; Schurr D.; Setia N.; Verma I.C.; Alaredh M.D.; Al-Zamili A.F.; Rhadí S.H.; Shaghee F.K.; Allevi M.; Arca M.; Atzori L.; Averna M.; Banderali G.; Baratta F.; Bartuli A.; Bianconi V.; Bini S.; Bonomo K.; Branchi A.; Bruzzi P.; Bucci M.; Buonuomo P.S.; Calabrò P.; Calandra S.; Carubbi F.; Cásula M.; Catapano A.L.; Cavalot F.; Cefalù A.B.; Cesaro A.; Cipollone F.; D'Addato S.; Pino B.D.; Del Ben M.; Di Costanzo A.; Di Taranto M.D.; Fasano T.; Ferri C.; Fogacci F.; Formisano E.; Fortunato G.; Galimberti F.; Gentile M.; Giammanco A.; Grigore L.; Iannuzzo G.; Iughetti L.; Mandraffino G.; Mombelli G.; Montalcini T.; Morace C.; Muntoni S.; Nascimbeni F.; Notargiacomo S.; Passaro A.; Pavanello C.; Pecchioli L.; Pecchioli V.; Pederiva C.; Pellegatta F.; Piro S.; Pirro M.; Pisciotta L.; Pujia A.; Rizzi L.; Romandini A.; Sanz J.M.; Sarzani R.; Sbrana F.; Scicali R.; Suppressa P.; Tarugi P.; Trenti C.; Werba J.P.; Zambon A.; Zambon S.; Zenti M.G.; Harada-Shiba M.; Hori M.; Ayesh M.H.; Azar S.T.; Bitar F.F.; Fahed A.C.; Moubarak E.M.; Nemer G.; Nawawi H.; Madriz R.; Mehta R.; Hartgers M.L.; Doortje Reijman M.; Stroes E.S.G.; Wiegman A.; Al-Waili K.; Sadiq F.; Bourbon M.; Gaspar I.M.; Ezhov M.V.; Susekov A.V.; Lalic K.S.; Groselj U.; Vallejo‐Vaz A.J.; Charng M.-J.; Khovidhunkit W.; Altunkeser B.B.; Demircioglu S.; Kose M.; Gokce C.; Ilhan O.; Kayikcioglu M.; Kaynar L.G.; Kuku I.; Kurtoglu E.; Okutan H.; Ozcebe O.I.; Pekkolay Z.; Sag S.; Salcioglu O.Z.; Temizhan A.; Yenercag M.; Yilmaz M.; Yasar H.Y.; Mitchenko O.; Lyons A.R.M.; Ray K.K.; Stevens C.A.T.; Brothers J.A.; Hudgins L.C.; Alieva R.; Shek A.; Do D.-L.; Le H.-A.; Le T.-T.; Nguyen M.-N.T.; Alareedh M.D.; Alieva R.; Altunkeser B.B.; Arca M.; Atzori L.; Averna M.; Azar S.T.; Banderali G.; Baratta F.; Bartuli A.; Béliard S.; Bianconi V.; Bini S.; Bitar F.F.; Blaha V.; Bourbon M.; Brother's J.A.; Bruckert E.; Brunham L.R.; Bruzzi P.; Bucci M.; Buonuomo P.S.; Calabrò P.; Calandra S.; Carubbi F.; Cassiman D.; Casulá M.; Catápano A.L.; Cavalot F.; Cefalù A.B.; Ceska R.; Charng M.-J.; Cipollone F.; Cohen H.; Dal Pino B.; Dann E.J.; Defesche J.C.; Del Ben M.; Descamps O.S.; Di Costanzo A.; Do D.-L.; Durst R.; Dvorakova J.; Ebenbichler C.F.; Elis A.; Emil S.; Ezhov M.V.; Fahed A.C.; Fasano T.; Ferri C.; Formisano E.; Fortunato G.; Francis G.A.; Freiberger T.; Gaspar I.M.; Genest J.; Gentile M.; Giammanco A.; Gokce C.; Greber‐Platzer S.; Grigore L.; Groselj U.; Harada‐Shiba M.; Hegele R.A.; Horak P.; Hori M.; Hudgins L.C.; Hussein O.; Iannuzzo G.; Ilhan O.; Iughetti L.; Kayikcioglu M.; Kaynar L.G.; Kennedy B.A.; Khovidhunkit W.; Kolovou G.; Kose M.; Kuku I.; Kurtoglu E.; Lalic K.S.; Le H.-A.; Le T.-T.; Leitersdorf E.; Liberopoulos E.; Lyons A.R.M.; Mandraffino G.; Mäser M.; Mehta R.; Mombelli G.; Montalcini T.; Muntoni S.; Nascimbeni F.; Nawawi H.; Nemer G.; Nguyen M.-N.T.; Okutan H.; Ozcebe O.I.; Pang J.; Passaro A.; Pavanello C.; Pellegatta F.; Piro S.; Pirro M.; Pisciotta L.; Pujia A.; Ray K.K.; Reda A.; Reiner Ž.; Rizzi L.; Ruel I.; Sadiq F.; Sag S.; Santos R.D.; Sanz J.M.; Sarzani R.; Sbrana F.; Schurr D.; Scicali R.; Setia N.; Shek A.; Sherman M.H.; Soska V.; Stevens C.A.T.; Stroes E.S.G.; Stulnig T.M.; Suppressa P.; Susekov A.V.; Tarugi P.; Temizhan A.; Tichy L.; Urbanek R.; Vaverkova H.; Verma I.C.; Vrablik M.; Wang L.; Watts G.F.; Werba J.P.; Wiegman A.; Witters P.; Yilmaz M.; Yasar H.Y.; Zambon A.; Zambon S.“…%]) than men (59 of 362 [16.3%]), but age at first MI was similar (mean [SD], 39 [13] years in women vs 38…”
Published in JAMA Cardiology (2024)
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578by Sharani Z.Z.; Ismail N.; Yasin S.M.; Isa M.R.; Razali A.; Sherzkawee M.A.; Ismail A.I.“…), and calibration was based on the Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness of fit test and calibration plot. Results The model…”
Published in PLoS ONE (2023)
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579by Jia, Chaoyu; Zakaria, Wan Nurshazwani Wan; Pengwei, Chen; Bin Ab Patar, Nor Azmi“…, and an independent control drive module allowing it to adjust its tracks to fit the inner wall size of circular…”
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580by Agarwal A.; Farkouh A.; Saleh R.; Hamoda T.A.-A.A.-M.; Salvio G.; Boitrelle F.; Harraz A.M.; Ghayda R.A.; Kavoussi P.; Gül M.; Toprak T.; Russo G.I.; Durairajanayagam D.; Rambhatla A.; Birowo P.; Cannarella R.; Phuoc N.H.V.; Zini A.; Arafa M.; Wyns C.; Tremellen K.; Sarıkaya S.; Lewis S.; Evenson D.P.; Ko E.; Calogero A.E.; Bahar F.; Martínez M.; Ambar R.F.; Colpi G.M.; Bakircioglu M.E.; Henkel R.; Kandil H.; Serefoglu E.C.; Alfakhri A.; Tsujimura A.; Kheradmand A.; Marino A.; Adamyan A.; Zilaitiene B.; Ozer C.; Pescatori E.; Vogiatzi P.; Busetto G.M.; Balercia G.; Elbardisi H.; Akhavizadegan H.; Sajadi H.; Taniguchi H.; Park H.J.; Rosas I.M.; Al-Marhoon M.; Gilani M.A.S.; Alhathal N.; Quang N.; Pinggera G.-M.; Kothari P.; Micic S.; Homa S.; Long T.Q.T.; Zohdy W.; Atmoko W.; Ibrahim W.; Sabbaghian M.; Abumelha S.M.; Chung E.; Ugur M.R.; Ozkent M.S.; Selim O.; Darbandi M.; Fukuhara S.; Jamali M.; de la Rosette J.; Kuroda S.; Smith R.P.; Baser A.; Kalkanli A.; Tadros N.N.; Aydos K.; Mierzwa T.C.; Khalafalla K.; Malhotra V.; Moussa M.; Finocchi F.; Rachman R.I.; Giulioni C.; Avidor-Reiss T.; Kahraman O.; Çeker G.; Zenoaga-Barbăroșie C.; Barrett T.L.; Yilmaz M.; Kadioglu A.; Jindal S.; Omran H.; Bocu K.; Karthikeyan V.S.; Franco G.; Solorzano J.F.; Vishwakarma R.B.; Arianto E.; Garrido N.; Jain D.; Gherabi N.; Sokolakis I.; Palani A.; Calik G.; Kulaksiz D.; Simanaviciene V.; Simopoulou M.; Güngör N.D.; Blecher G.; Falcone M.; Jezek D.; Preto M.; Amar E.; Le T.V.; Ahn S.T.; Rezano A.; Singh K.; Rocco L.; Savira M.; Rajmil O.; Darbandi S.; Sogutdelen E.; Boeri L.; Hernández G.; Hakim L.; Morimoto Y.; Japari A.; Sofikitis N.; Altay B.; Mahmutoglu A.M.; Al Hashimi M.; Ziouziou I.; Anagnostopoulou C.; Lin H.; Shah R.“… reproductive potential, for which four assays have been described in the recently published sixth edition…”
Published in World Journal of Men's Health (2023)
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