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581by Agarwal A.; Cannarella R.; Saleh R.; Boitrelle F.; Gül M.; Toprak T.; Salvio G.; Arafa M.; Russo G.I.; Harraz A.M.; Singh R.; Garrido N.; Abdel-Meguid Hamoda T.A.-A.; Rambhatla A.; Kavoussi P.; Kuroda S.; Çalik G.; Saini P.; Ceyhan E.; Dimitriadis F.; Henkel R.; Crafa A.; Palani A.; Duran M.B.; Maziotis E.; Saïs É.; Bendayan M.; Darbandi M.; Le T.V.; Gunes S.; Tsioulou P.; Sengupta P.; Hazir B.; Çeker G.; Darbandi S.; Durairajanayagam D.; Aghamajidi A.; Alkhalidi N.; Sogutdelen E.; Leisegang K.; Alarbid A.; Ho C.C.K.; Malhotra V.; Finocchi F.; Crisóstomo L.; Kosgi R.; ElBardisi H.; Zini A.; Birowo P.; Colpi G.; Park H.J.; Serefoglu E.C.; Nguyen Q.; Ko E.; de la Rosette J.; Pinggera G.M.; Nguyen H.V.P.; Kandil H.; Shah R.“… in infertile men with clinical varicocele. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first SRMA to compare…”
Published in World Journal of Men's Health (2022)
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Article -
582by Agarwal A.; Farkouh A.; Saleh R.; Hamoda T.A.-A.A.-M.; Harraz A.M.; Kavoussi P.; Arafa M.; Salvio G.; Rambhatla A.; Toprak T.; Gül M.; Phuoc N.H.V.; Boitrelle F.; Birowo P.; Ghayda R.A.; Cannarella R.; Kuroda S.; Durairajanayagam D.; Zini A.; Wyns C.; Sarikaya S.; Tremellen K.; Mostafa T.; Sokolakis I.; Evenson D.P.; Henkel R.; Zohdy W.; Chung E.; Ziouziou I.; Falcone M.; Russo G.I.; Al-Hashimi M.; Calogero A.E.; Ko E.; Colpi G.; Lewis S.; Serefoglu E.C.; Bahar F.; Martinez M.; Nguyen Q.; Ambar R.F.; Bakircioglu M.E.; Kandil H.; Mogharabian N.; Sabbaghian M.; Taniguchi H.; Tsujimura A.; Sajadi H.; Ibrahim W.; Atmoko W.; Vogiatzi P.; Gunes S.; Gilani M.A.S.; Roychoudhury S.; Güngör N.D.; Hakim L.; Adriansjah R.; Kothari P.; Jindal S.; Amar E.; Park H.J.; Long T.Q.T.; Homa S.; Karthikeyan V.S.; Zilaitiene B.; Rosas I.M.; Marino A.; Pescatori E.; Ozer C.; Akhavizadegan H.; Garrido N.; Busetto G.M.; Adamyan A.; Al-Marhoon M.; Elbardisi H.; Dolati P.; Darbandi M.; Darbandi S.; Balercia G.; Pinggera G.-M.; Micic S.; Ho C.C.K.; Moussa M.; Preto M.; Zenoaga-Barbăroșie C.; Smith R.P.; Kosgi R.; de la Rosette J.; El-Sakka A.I.; Abumelha S.M.; Mierzwa T.C.; Ong T.A.; Banihani S.A.; Bowa K.; Fukuhara S.; Boeri L.; Danacıoğlu Y.O.; Gokalp F.; Selim O.M.; Cho C.-L.; Tadros N.N.; Ugur M.R.; Ozkent M.S.; Chiu P.; Kalkanli A.; Khalafalla K.; Vishwakarma R.B.; Finocchi F.; Andreadakis S.; Giulioni C.; Çeker G.; Ceyhan E.; Malhotra V.; Yilmaz M.; Timpano M.; Barrett T.L.; Kim S.H.K.; Ahn S.-T.; Giacone F.; Palani A.; Duarsa G.W.K.; Kadioglu A.; Gadda F.; Zylbersztejn D.S.; Aydos K.; Kulaksız D.; Gupte D.; Calik G.; Karna K.K.; Drakopoulos P.; Baser A.; Kumar V.; Molina J.M.C.; Rajmil O.; Ferreira R.H.; Leonardi S.; Avoyan A.; Sogutdelen E.; Franco G.; Ramsay J.; Ramirez L.; Shah R.; Gherabi N.; Kahraman O.; Trotta C.; Rocco L.; Ngoo K.S.; Sallam H.; El Meliegy A.; Alhathal N.; Chien K.; Lee J.; Le T.V.“…Purpose: Sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF) testing was recently added to the sixth edition of the World…”
Published in World Journal of Men's Health (2023)
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583by Malek N.S.A.; Khuhairil M.; Khusaimi Z.; Bonnia N.N.; Mahmood M.R.; Asli N.A.“… to maximize their fit with worldwide application needs. © 2021 Author(s).…”
Published in AIP Conference Proceedings (2021)
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Conference paper -
584by Wong K.-T.; bt Osman R.; Goh P.S.C.; Rahmat M.K.“… testing. The goodness-of-fit test of the analysis shows partial support of the applicability of the TAM…”
Published in International Journal of Instruction (2013)
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585by Ismail I.; Arasan J.; Mustafa M.S.; Safari M.A.M.“… enables it to fit real lifetime data set. The method of maximum likelihood was used to estimate…”
Published in Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis (2024)
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586by Ghaffar, Z. A.; Kasolang, S.; Hamid, Ahmad H. A.; Mamat, M. H.“… an increase in Sauter mean diameter. A mathematical model was proposed and satisfies the goodness-of-fit…”
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587by Ismail N.L.; Kassim M.; Ismail M.; Mohamad R.“… with the best fit connectivity features. © 2018 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights…”
Published in Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (2018)
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588by Mohd Salaha Z.F.; Jauhari Efendie S.N.; Abd Samad M.I.; Hanif Baharuddin M.; Halim Abdullah A.; Hanif Ramlee M.“… was scanned to create 360-degree digital model, adjusted for a customized fit and validated through FEA in CAD…”
Published in International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering and Sciences (2024)
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Conference paper -
589by Sasidharan V.; Georgin J.; Franco D.S.P.; Meili L.; Singh P.; Jawad A.H.; Selvasembian R.“…. The general order model was the most suitable model to fit the kinetic data. The maximum experimental…”
Published in Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (2024)
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590“… multi-surfaces envelope model was proposed to fit the experimental shear strength data under drying…”
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591by Agha, Hasan M.; Jawad, Ali H.; Alothman, Zeid A.; Wilson, Lee D.“… isotherm models were assessed to obtain best-fit results for the isotherm profiles. The maximum adsorption…”
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Article; Early Access -
592by Wan Abdul Rahman W.M.N.; Mohd Yunus N.Y.; Mohd Khaidzir M.O.; Mohd Sani M.S.H.“…, and utilised as beams in buildings. Both elements must work together as a structural system to fit and meet…”
Published in KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (2022)
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593by Rasidek N.A.M.; Nordin M.F.M.; Iwamoto K.; Rahman N.A.; Nagatsu Y.; Tokuyama H.“… on the jellies. PPJ dispersion showed shear thinning flow behaviour, a good fit to the Casson model. Sugar…”
Published in International Journal of Food Properties (2018)
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594by Hajar N.; Tien B.Y.; Hamid N.; Tan E.T.T.; Asli N.A.“…% (firmness). The optimal concentration of the coating solution, which minimises weight loss and retains…”
Published in Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences (2024)
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Article -
595by Mohammed S.F.S.“… to fit state ideologies and agendas in the Sukarno and Soeharto eras. It also reveals the very…”
Published in Musical Nationalism in Indonesia: The Rise and Fall of Lagu Seriosa (2021)
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Book -
596by Basaree R.O.; Legino R.; Ahmad M.Y.“… of these guidelines to developatraining model that can fit the new artistic and formalistic approach. The training…”
Published in International Colloquium of Art and Design Education Research (i-CADER 2014) (2016)
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Book chapter -
597“… that the analysis of the model's goodness of fit proves that all variables within the model, whether independent…”
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Article -
598by Venkatason K.; Cornell W.; Sivaguru S.“… value of R^2 is 0.926 with a relatively small error of RMSE at 0.006986 indicating a very good model fit…”
Published in International Journal of Integrated Engineering (2024)
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599by Nor N.M.; Abdullah S.; Harun A.R.; Hassan N.A.; Desa S.M.“… the disease development to the rice plant. Chi-square results shows a good fit of 1:2:1 for a single gene…”
Published in Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (2017)
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600by Lahuri, Azizul Hakim; Jaafar, Nur Farhana; Nordin, Norazzizi; Dzakaria, Norliza; Yusof, Syawal Mohd; Samidin, Salma; Sulaiman, Syazreen Nadia; Marliza, Tengku Sharifah“… model was fitted to the experimental data from the CO2 adsorption isotherm at 25 degrees C. The most…”
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Article; Early Access