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201by Devi M.; Chintya Paramita P.; Nurjanah N.; Oktaviantry D.A.; Din N.“… and carrot puree, subject to three different treatments involving adding 20%, 30%, and 40% puree, each being…”
Published in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (2025)
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202by Puspita D.I.; Rejeki P.S.; Sari G.M.; Munir M.; Izzatunnisa N.; Muhammad; Halim S.; Pranoto A.“…. Statistical interrogation employed one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD post hoc test, with a significance threshold…”
Published in Revista de Investigacion e Innovacion en Ciencias de la Salud (2025)
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203by Yusuf S.; Joseph P.; Rangarajan S.; Islam S.; Mente A.; Hystad P.; Brauer M.; Kutty V.R.; Gupta R.; Wielgosz A.; AlHabib K.F.; Dans A.; Lopez-Jaramillo P.; Avezum A.; Lanas F.; Oguz A.; Kruger I.M.; Diaz R.; Yusoff K.; Mony P.; Chifamba J.; Yeates K.; Kelishadi R.; Yusufali A.; Khatib R.; Rahman O.; Zatonska K.; Iqbal R.; Wei L.; Bo H.; Rosengren A.; Kaur M.; Mohan V.; Lear S.A.; Teo K.K.; Leong D.; O'Donnell M.; McKee M.; Dagenais G.“…. The Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study overcomes these limitations by using similar methods…”
Published in The Lancet (2020)
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204by Nasron N.; Ghazali N.S.; Shahidin N.M.; Mohamad A.A.; Pugi S.A.; Razi N.M.“…Perlis is one of the largest mango producers in Malaysia cultivating Sala, Harumanis, Thong Dam…”
Published in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (2021)
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205by Zailani Q.N.N.; Sundram V.P.K.; Ibrahim I.; Senathirajah A.R.S.“…, it is crucial to solving any related issue regarding poor customer services and management by SP MUNICIPAL…”
Published in International Journal of Professional Business Review (2023)
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206by Azlan D.Z.B.; Ramlan N.Q.B.; Mustafa M.A.; Mutalib N.F.A.; Adnan R.; Pheng L.C.; Razak M.N.A.; Malek K.A.; Ismail H.“…Patients with Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) frequently have lower peak VO2 and LVEF. Several…”
Published in Lecture Notes in Bioengineering (2024)
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207by Ismail M.H.; Sidambe A.T.; Figueroa I.A.; Davies H.A.; Todd I.“… loadings ranging from 65. 5vol% and 69. 5vol% were prepared. The binder used was a partly water soluble…”
Published in Proceedings of the World Powder Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition, World PM 2010 (2010)
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208by Bentham J.; Di Cesare M.; Bilano V.; Bixby H.; Zhou B.; Stevens G.A.; Riley L.M.; Taddei C.; Hajifathalian K.; Lu Y.; Savin S.; Cowan M.J.; Paciorek C.J.; Chirita-Emandi A.; Hayes A.J.; Katz J.; Kelishadi R.; Kengne A.P.; Khang Y.-H.; Laxmaiah A.; Li Y.; Ma J.; Miranda J.J.; Mostafa A.; Neovius M.; Padez C.; Rampal L.; Zhu A.; Bennett J.E.; Danaei G.; Bhutta Z.A.; Ezzati M.; Abarca-Gómez L.; Abdeen Z.A.; Hamid Z.A.; Abu-Rmeileh N.M.; Acosta-Cazares B.; Acuin C.; Adams R.J.; Aekplakorn W.; Afsana K.; Aguilar-Salinas C.A.; Agyemang C.; Ahmadvand A.; Ahrens W.; Ajlouni K.; Akhtaeva N.; Al-Hazzaa H.M.; Al-Othman A.R.; Al-Raddadi R.; Albuhairan F.; Aldhukair S.; Ali M.M.; Ali O.; Alkerwi A.; Alvarez-Pedrerol M.; Aly E.; Amarapurkar D.N.; Amouyel P.; Amuzu A.; Andersen L.B.; Anderssen S.A.; Andrade D.S.; Ängquist L.H.; Anjana R.M.; Aounallah-Skhiri H.; Araújo J.; Ariansen I.; Aris T.; Arlappa N.; Arveiler D.; Aryal K.K.; Aspelund T.; Assah F.K.; Assunção M.C.F.; Aung M.S.; Avdicová M.; Azevedo A.; Azizi F.; Babu B.V.; Bahijri S.; Baker J.L.; Balakrishna N.; Bamoshmoosh M.; Banach M.; Bandosz P.; Banegas J.R.; Barbagallo C.M.; Barceló A.; Barkat A.; Barros A.J.D.; Barros M.V.G.; Bata I.; Batieha A.M.; Batista R.L.; Batyrbek A.; Baur L.A.; Beaglehole R.; Romdhane H.B.; Benedics J.; Benet M.; Bernabe-Ortiz A.; Bernotiene G.; Bettiol H.; Bhagyalaxmi A.; Bharadwaj S.; Bhargava S.K.; Bhatti Z.; Bi H.; Bi Y.; Biehl A.; Bikbov M.; Bista B.; Bjelica D.J.; Bjerregaard P.; Bjertness E.; Bjertness M.B.; Björkelund C.; Blokstra A.; Bo S.; Bobak M.; Boddy L.M.; Boehm B.O.; Boeing H.; Boggia J.G.; Boissonnet C.P.; Bonaccio M.; Bongard V.; Bovet P.; Braeckevelt L.; Braeckman L.; Bragt M.C.E.; Brajkovich I.; Branca F.; Breckenkamp J.; Breda J.; Brenner H.; Brewster L.M.; Brian G.R.; Brinduse L.; Bruno G.; Bueno-De-mesquita H.B.; Bugge A.; Buoncristiano M.; Burazeri G.; Burns C.; de León A.C.; Cacciottolo J.; Cai H.; Cama T.; Cameron C.; Camolas J.; Can G.; Cândido A.P.C.; Capanzana M.; Capuano V.; Cardoso V.C.; Carlsson A.C.; Carvalho M.J.; Casanueva F.F.; Casas J.-P.; Caserta C.A.; Chamukuttan S.; Chan A.W.; Chan Q.; Chaturvedi H.K.; Chaturvedi N.; Chen C.-J.; Chen F.; Chen H.; Chen S.; Chen Z.; Cheng C.-Y.; Chetrit A.; Chikova-Iscener E.; Chiolero A.; Chiou S.-T.; Chirlaque M.-D.; Cho B.; Cho Y.; Christensen K.; Christofaro D.G.; Chudek J.; Cifkova R.; Cinteza E.; Claessens F.; Clays E.; Concin H.; Confortin S.C.; Cooper C.; Cooper R.; Coppinger T.C.; Costanzo S.; Cottel D.; Cowell C.; Craig C.L.; Crujeiras A.B.; Cucu A.; D'arrigo G.; D'orsi E.; Dallongeville J.; Damasceno A.; Damsgaard C.T.; Dankner R.; Dantoft T.M.; Dastgiri S.; Dauchet L.; Davletov K.; De Backer G.; De Bacquer D.; De Curtis A.; de Gaetano G.; De Henauw S.; de Oliveira P.D.; De Ridder K.; De Smedt D.; Deepa M.; Deev A.D.; Dehghan A.; Delisle H.; Delpeuch F.; Deschamps V.; Dhana K.; Di Castelnuovo A.F.; Dias-Da-costa J.S.; Diaz A.; Dika Z.; Djalalinia S.; Do H.T.P.; Dobson A.J.; Donati M.B.; Donfrancesco C.; Donoso S.P.; Döring A.; Dorobantu M.; Dorosty A.R.; Doua K.; Drygas W.; Duan J.L.; Duante C.; Duleva V.; Dulskiene V.; Dzerve V.; Dziankowska-Zaborszczyk E.; Egbagbe E.E.; Eggertsen R.; Eiben G.; Ekelund U.; El Ati J.; Elliott P.; Engle-Stone R.; Erasmus R.T.; Erem C.; Eriksen L.; Eriksson J.G.; la Peña J.E.; Evans A.; Faeh D.; Fall C.H.; Sant'angelo V.F.; Farzadfar F.; Felix-Redondo F.J.; Ferguson T.S.; Fernandes R.A.; Fernández-Bergés D.; Ferrante D.; Ferrari M.; Ferreccio C.; Ferrieres J.; Finn J.D.; Fischer K.; Flores E.M.; Föger B.; Foo L.H.; Forslund A.-S.; Forsner M.; Fouad H.M.; Francis D.K.; Franco M.D.C.; Franco O.H.; Frontera G.; Fuchs F.D.; Fuchs S.C.; Fujita Y.; Furusawa T.; Gaciong Z.; Gafencu M.; Galeone D.; Galvano F.; Garcia-De-la-hera M.; Gareta D.; Garnett S.P.; Gaspoz J.-M.; Gasull M.; Gates L.; Geiger H.; Geleijnse J.M.; Ghasemian A.; Giampaoli S.; Gianfagna F.; Gill T.K.; Giovannelli J.; Giwercman A.; Godos J.; Gogen S.; Goldsmith R.A.; Goltzman D.; Gonçalves H.; 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Younger-Coleman N.O.; Yusoff F.; Zaccagni L.; Zafiropulos V.; Zainuddin A.A.; Zambon S.; Zampelas A.; Zamrazilová H.; Zdrojewski T.; Zeng Y.; Zhao D.; Zhao W.; Zheng W.; Zheng Y.; Zholdin B.; Zhou M.; Zhu D.; Zhussupov B.; Zimmermann E.; Cisneros J.Z.“… was more than 30% in girls in Nauru, the Cook Islands, and Palau; and boys in the Cook Islands, Nauru…”
Published in The Lancet (2017)
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209by Hystad P.; Larkin A.; Rangarajan S.; AlHabib K.F.; Avezum Á.; Calik K.B.T.; Chifamba J.; Dans A.; Diaz R.; du Plessis J.L.; Gupta R.; Iqbal R.; Khatib R.; Kelishadi R.; Lanas F.; Liu Z.; Lopez-Jaramillo P.; Nair S.; Poirier P.; Rahman O.; Rosengren A.; Swidan H.; Tse L.A.; Wei L.; Wielgosz A.; Yeates K.; Yusoff K.; Zatoński T.; Burnett R.; Yusuf S.; Brauer M.“… Epidemiology (PURE) study, we aimed to investigate the association between long-term exposure to PM2·5…”
Published in The Lancet Planetary Health (2020)
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210by Hanafi N.I.; Mohamed A.S.; Md Noor J.; Abdul Hamid Hasani N.; Siran R.; Osman N.J.; Ab Rahim S.; Sheikh Abdul Kadir S.H.“… activation of ERK and Akt survival signaling pathways and SMases in protecting cardiac cells against hypoxia…”
Published in Genetics and Molecular Research (2016)
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211by Han L.J.; Abidin Z.A.; Inn F.X.; Jasman H.; Zainuddin Z.“… until he presented with spontaneous passage of VPS catheter per-urethra without signs of peritonitis…”
Published in Gazi Medical Journal (2019)
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212COMPARISON BETWEEN JOHNSON COOK’S PLASTICITY WITH DAMAGE MODEL AND ISOTROPIC HARDENING Gunsalam H.; Abdullah A.S.; Awi M.; Aziz M.R.; Kamarudin K.-A.“… be used depending on the analysis cases and objectives. For example, Johnson Cook’s plasticity model…”
Published in Jurnal Mekanikal (2023)
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213by Khalid A.; Santhanam J.; Tzar M.N.; Chua A.-L.; Abdul Wahid S.F.; Wan Mat W.R.; Rahman R.A.; Periyasamy P.“…, and gold nanoparticles to form a visible red line that indicates the presence of the targeted fungus…”
Published in Heliyon (2025)
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214by Mohd Ishar N.I.; Mior Harun M.H.; Hanif A.; Mustapha N.A.; Kusa R.; Duda J.“… initiatives, as well as contributing to a more robust and resilient digital payment framework. As digital…”
Published in Open Research Europe (2024)
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215by Ismail A.F.; Halacli S.O.; Babteen N.; De Piano M.; Martin T.A.; Jiang W.G.; Khan M.S.; Dasgupta P.; Wells C.M.“… an estimated 150 000 deaths per year. Whilst non-muscle-invasive bladder tumours can be effectively treated…”
Published in Biochemical Journal (2017)
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217by Muslim; Ambiyar; Karudin A.; Hazwan Ruslan M.S.; Kuo H.-C.; Fernandez D.; Yanto D.T.P.; Hidayat N.“… requires a learning model that can integrate technology with real work practices. This study aims…”
Published in Data and Metadata (2024)
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218by Sarnin S.S.; Latif F.A.; Wahab N.Ab.; Muhamad W.N.W.; Aziz N.H.A.; Naim N.F.; Haron M.A.“…This paper highlight the performance of BPSK and 8-PSK in Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA…”
Published in Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2010, IMECS 2010 (2010)
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219by Carroll J.-A.; Mullens A.B.; Warzywoda S.; Baker P.R.A.; Stafford M.; Mcmillan F.; Manton J.; Demant D.“… major burden on high-risk populations, physicians, and the healthcare system. Treatment in the form…”
Published in PLoS ONE (2025)
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220by Aziz A.A.; Fozi N.Q.M.; Shahidan W.N.W.“… prices, which could pose challenges to food security in the region. Research Implications: These findings…”
Published in Journal of Lifestyle and SDG'S Review (2025)
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