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361by Hawary, Nur Umairah Mohd; Abd Warif, Nor Malia; Ishak, Ismarulyusda; Ludin, Arimi Fitri Mat; Muttiah, Barathan; Kumari, P. Navindra; Vellasamy, Kumutha Malar; Mariappan, VanithaGet full text
Published in BMC PUBLIC HEALTH (2025)
Article -
362by Ramly, Irsyad Sulaimi; Othman, Nur Maizatul Idayu; Shamsuddin, Aida Soraya; Zuan, Ali Tan Kee; Zakaria, Nor Hafizah; Majid, Fadzilah Adibah Abdul; Hamid, Nur' Amira“… zinc into an accessible form, which helps reduce crop zinc deficiencies, simultaneously improving soil…”
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Article -
363by Sauki N.S.M.; Damanhuri N.S.; Othman N.A.; Chiew Y.S.; Meng B.C.C.; Nor M.B.M.; Zainol N.M.; Ralib A.M.“… and AUC Edrs negative together, this model is more sensitive and precisely measures the AI especially…”
Published in 2022 8th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, CoDIT 2022 (2022)
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Conference paper -
364by Hisham, Balqis nurnadia badrol; AB Rahim, Rosminazuin; Nordin, Anis nurashikin; Ralib, Aliza aini md; Za'bah, Nor farahidah; Tung, Lun hao; Zain, Zainiharyati mohd“… sensitivity and need modification to improve the electrode material. Therefore, this work aims to investigate…”
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Article -
365by Azan, Wan Nur Afrina Wan Muhammad; Shariff, S. Sarifah Radiah; Zahari, Siti Meriam; Mustafa, Nurakmal Ahmad; bin Zainal, Hadzri; Solleh, Masmuna; Azlan, Ahmad Zaki Hamdi Nor“… in vector-borne diseases like dengue fever in cities and it is predicted that urbanization will lead…”
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Proceedings Paper -
367by Lim, Tong Wah; Abuzaid, Maxstein M.; Zulhisham, Muhammad Firdaus Al Hakim Muhammad; Hanafiah, Nurain Najihah Muhamad; Zahari, Hafizul lzwan Mohd; Mahmud, Melati; Hasmun, Noren Nor“… an enhancement in patients' confidence and trust in their dental care providers, as well as a marked increase…”
Published in JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY (2025)
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368by Hambali, Aqilah; Jusril, Nor Atiqah; Hashim, Nur Fariesha Md; Abd Manan, Nizar; Adam, Siti Khadijah; Mehat, Muhammad Zulfadli; Adenan, Mohd Ilham; Stanslas, Johnson; Hamid, Hafizah Abdul“… for cytotoxicity on microglial cells using MTT assay. NO, pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-alpha, IL-6, IL-1 beta…”
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369by Zakaria Z.A.; Kumar G.H.; Mohd. Nor R.N.S.R.; Sulaiman M.R.; Fatimah C.A.; Jais A.M.M.; Somchit M.N.; Ismail M.S.“… soaking of the air-dried leaves in distilled water, freeze-drying for 72 h and then prepared in dosages…”
Published in Pharmaceutical Biology (2009)
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370by Hasan, Ahmad Syauqi Md; Nor, Noorsuhada Md; Jamaludin, Amril Hadri; Ruslan, Amir Khomeiny; Osman, Nur Masyitah; Sooria, Sherliza Zaini; Saliah, Soffian Noor Mat; Fauzi, Mohd Azrizal“… concrete materials to produce lighter material with a minimal strength that able to act as part…”
Published in JURNAL KEJURUTERAAN (2024)
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372by Juhari, Farah Nazira; Azman, Mohd Azrai; Halil, Faridah Muhamad; Chuweni, Nor Nazihah; Azir, Ku Mohammad Asyraf Ku; Let, Halimahton Saadiah; Malek, Safura Abdul; Lee, Boon L.; Skitmore, Martin“… this positive effect. This suggests that poorly developed financial regulations may lead to inefficient capital…”
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Article; Early Access -
373by Mohd Zaki A.; Nor Fadilah W.; Abdul Rashid L.; Nurnadiah R.; Mohd Radzi A.; Mohamad Lokmal N.; Ahmad Fauzi M.S.; Farah Fazwa M.A.; Ab Rasip A.G.; Regina Mariah J.; Mohamad O.“… planting materials. Assessment of polysaccharides content in the root part of the plant is taken among…”
Published in Jurnal Teknologi (2015)
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374by Ghayda R.A.; Cannarella R.; Calogero A.E.; Shah R.; Rambhatla A.; Zohdy W.; Kavoussi P.; Avidor-Reiss T.; Boitrelle F.; Mostafa T.; Saleh R.; Toprak T.; Birowo P.; Salvio G.; Calik G.; Kuroda S.; Kaiyal R.S.; Ziouziou I.; Crafa A.; Phuoc N.H.V.; Russo G.I.; Durairajanayagam D.; Al-Hashimi M.; Hamoda T.A.-A.A.-M.; Pinggera G.-M.; Adriansjah R.; Rosas I.M.; Arafa M.; Chung E.; Atmoko W.; Rocco L.; Lin H.; Huyghe E.; Kothari P.; Vazquez J.F.S.; Dimitriadis F.; Garrido N.; Homa S.; Falcone M.; Sabbaghian M.; Kandil H.; Ko E.; Martinez M.; Nguyen Q.; Harraz A.M.; Serefoglu E.C.; Karthikeyan V.S.; Ba Tien D.M.; Jindal S.; Micic S.; Bellavia M.; Alali H.; Gherabi N.; Lewis S.; Park H.J.; Simopoulou M.; Sallam H.; Ramirez L.; Colpi G.; Agarwal A.“…, have shown great potential in andrology and reproductive medicine. AI-based tools are poised to become…”
Published in World Journal of Men's Health (2024)
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375by Agarwal A.; Cannarella R.; Saleh R.; Boitrelle F.; Gül M.; Toprak T.; Salvio G.; Arafa M.; Russo G.I.; Harraz A.M.; Singh R.; Garrido N.; Abdel-Meguid Hamoda T.A.-A.; Rambhatla A.; Kavoussi P.; Kuroda S.; Çalik G.; Saini P.; Ceyhan E.; Dimitriadis F.; Henkel R.; Crafa A.; Palani A.; Duran M.B.; Maziotis E.; Saïs É.; Bendayan M.; Darbandi M.; Le T.V.; Gunes S.; Tsioulou P.; Sengupta P.; Hazir B.; Çeker G.; Darbandi S.; Durairajanayagam D.; Aghamajidi A.; Alkhalidi N.; Sogutdelen E.; Leisegang K.; Alarbid A.; Ho C.C.K.; Malhotra V.; Finocchi F.; Crisóstomo L.; Kosgi R.; ElBardisi H.; Zini A.; Birowo P.; Colpi G.; Park H.J.; Serefoglu E.C.; Nguyen Q.; Ko E.; de la Rosette J.; Pinggera G.M.; Nguyen H.V.P.; Kandil H.; Shah R.“…). The analysis showed significantly improved post-operative semen parameters in patients compared to controls…”
Published in World Journal of Men's Health (2022)
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376by Adzuan, Anis Syahirah Saifor; Mohamad, Sharifah Aminah Syed; Iberahim, Rashidah; Kamal, Noor Nadia Syahira Mohd; Abd Mutalib, Nurliana; Hasbullah, Nur Intan; Alsaydi, Muneer; Hasan, Nor'aishah; Oon, Low Kheng; Ajibola, Olaide Olawunmi; Alias, Rozila; Mustakim, Maimunah; Rambely, Azlin Sham; Mohamed, Emida; Pourmand, Mohammad RezaGet full text
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377by Agarwal A.; Sharma R.K.; Gupta S.; Boitrelle F.; Finelli R.; Parekh N.; Durairajanayagam D.; Saleh R.; Arafa M.; Cho C.L.; Farkouh A.; Rambhatla A.; Henkel R.; Vogiatzi P.; Tadros N.; Kavoussi P.; Ko E.; Leisegang K.; Kandil H.; Palani A.; Salvio G.; Mostafa T.; Rajmil O.; Banihani S.A.; Schon S.; Le T.V.; Birowo P.; Çeker G.; Alvarez J.; Molina J.M.C.; Ho C.C.K.; Calogero A.E.; Khalafalla K.; Duran M.B.; Kuroda S.; Colpi G.M.; Zini A.; Anagnostopoulou C.; Pescatori E.; Chung E.; Caroppo E.; Dimitriadis F.; Pinggera G.-M.; Busetto G.M.; Balercia G.; Elbardisi H.; Taniguchi H.; Park H.J.; Rosas I.M.; de la Rosette J.; Ramsay J.; Bowa K.; Simopoulou M.; Rodriguez M.G.; Sabbaghian M.; Martinez M.; Gilani M.A.S.; Al-Marhoon M.S.; Kosgi R.; Cannarella R.; Micic S.; Fukuhara S.; Parekattil S.; Jindal S.; Abdel-Meguid T.A.-A.; Morimoto Y.; Shah R.Get full text
Published in World Journal of Men's Health (2022)
Review -
378by Gupta S.; Sharma R.; Agarwal A.; Boitrelle F.; Finelli R.; Farkouh A.; Saleh R.; Abdel-Meguid T.A.-A.; Gül M.; Zilaitiene B.; Ko E.; Rambhatla A.; Zini A.; Leisegang K.; Kuroda S.; Henkel R.; Cannarella R.; Palani A.; Cho C.-L.; Ho C.C.K.; Zylbersztejn D.S.; Pescatori E.; Chung E.; Dimitriadis F.; Pinggera G.-M.; Busetto G.M.; Balercia G.; Salvio G.; Colpi G.M.; Çeker G.; Taniguchi H.; Kandil H.; Park H.J.; Rosas I.M.; de la Rosette J.; Cardoso J.P.G.; Ramsay J.; Alvarez J.; Molina J.M.C.; Khalafalla K.; Bowa K.; Tremellen K.; Evgeni E.; Rocco L.; Peña M.G.R.; Sabbaghian M.; Martinez M.; Arafa M.; Al-Marhoon M.S.; Tadros N.; Garrido N.; Rajmil O.; Sengupta P.; Vogiatzi P.; Kavoussi P.; Birowo P.; Kosgi R.; Bani-Hani S.; Micic S.; Parekattil S.; Jindal S.; Le T.V.; Mostafa T.; Toprak T.; Morimoto Y.; Malhotra V.; Aghamajidi A.; Durairajanayagam D.; Shah R.Get full text
Published in World Journal of Men's Health (2022)
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379by Agarwal A.; Finelli R.; Panner Selvam M.K.; Leisegang K.; Majzoub A.; Tadros N.; Ko E.; Parekh N.; Henkel R.; Durairajanayagam D.; Colpi G.M.; Cho C.-L.; Sallam H.N.; Park H.J.; Saleh R.; Micic S.; Ambar R.F.; Zini A.; Tremellen K.; Alvarez J.G.; Palani A.; Arafa M.; Gava M.M.; Jindal S.; Amar E.; Kopa Z.; Moein M.-R.; Busetto G.M.; Sengupta P.; Kavoussi P.; Maldonado I.; Fikri J.; Borges E., Jr.; Martinez M.; Bojovic D.; Rajmil O.; Aydos K.; Parekattil S.; Marmar J.L.; Sefrioui O.; Jungwirth A.; Rodriguez Peña M.G.; Cordts E.B.; Elbardisi H.; Mostafa T.; Sabbaghian M.; Sadighi Gilani M.A.; Morimoto Y.; Alves M.G.; Spasic A.; Kenic U.; Ramsay J.; Akande E.O.; Oumeziane A.; Dozortsev D.; Chung E.; Bell E.G.; Allegra A.; Tanos V.; Fiadjoe M.; Gurgan T.; Abou-Abdallah M.; Al-Rumaih H.; Oborna I.; Arab H.; Esteves S.; Amer M.; Kadioglu A.; Yuzko O.; Korsak V.; Shah R.“… attending physicians (59.6%), with 61.3% having more than 10 years of experience in the field of male…”
Published in World Journal of Men's Health (2021)
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380by Mulder J.W.C.M.; Tromp T.R.; Al-Khnifsawi M.; Blom D.J.; Chlebus K.; Cuchel M.; D’Erasmo L.; Gallo A.; Kees Hovingh G.; Kim N.T.; Long J.; Raal F.J.; Schonck W.A.M.; Soran H.; Truong T.-H.; Boersma E.; Roeters van Lennep J.E.; Freiberger T.; Tichy L.; Defesche J.C.; Zuurbier L.; Pang J.; Watts G.F.; Greber-Platzer S.; Mäser M.; Stulnig T.M.; Ebenbichler C.F.; Thaní K.B.; Cassiman D.; Descamps O.S.; Rymen D.; Witters P.; Santos R.D.; Brunham L.R.; Francis G.A.; Genest J.; Hegele R.A.; Kennedy B.A.; Ruel I.; Sherman M.H.; Wang L.; Reiner Ž.; Blaha V.; Ceska R.; Dvorakova J.; Horak P.; Soska V.; Urbanék R.; Vaverkova H.; Vrablik M.; Zemek S.; Zlatohlavek L.; Emil S.; Naguib T.A.; Reda A.; Béliard S.; Bruckert E.; Kolovou G.; Liberopoulos E.; Cohen H.; Durst R.; Dann E.J.; Elis A.; Hussein O.; Leitersdorf E.; Schurr D.; Setia N.; Verma I.C.; Alaredh M.D.; Al-Zamili A.F.; Rhadí S.H.; Shaghee F.K.; Allevi M.; Arca M.; Atzori L.; Averna M.; Banderali G.; Baratta F.; Bartuli A.; Bianconi V.; Bini S.; Bonomo K.; Branchi A.; Bruzzi P.; Bucci M.; Buonuomo P.S.; Calabrò P.; Calandra S.; Carubbi F.; Cásula M.; Catapano A.L.; Cavalot F.; Cefalù A.B.; Cesaro A.; Cipollone F.; D'Addato S.; Pino B.D.; Del Ben M.; Di Costanzo A.; Di Taranto M.D.; Fasano T.; Ferri C.; Fogacci F.; Formisano E.; Fortunato G.; Galimberti F.; Gentile M.; Giammanco A.; Grigore L.; Iannuzzo G.; Iughetti L.; Mandraffino G.; Mombelli G.; Montalcini T.; Morace C.; Muntoni S.; Nascimbeni F.; Notargiacomo S.; Passaro A.; Pavanello C.; Pecchioli L.; Pecchioli V.; Pederiva C.; Pellegatta F.; Piro S.; Pirro M.; Pisciotta L.; Pujia A.; Rizzi L.; Romandini A.; Sanz J.M.; Sarzani R.; Sbrana F.; Scicali R.; Suppressa P.; Tarugi P.; Trenti C.; Werba J.P.; Zambon A.; Zambon S.; Zenti M.G.; Harada-Shiba M.; Hori M.; Ayesh M.H.; Azar S.T.; Bitar F.F.; Fahed A.C.; Moubarak E.M.; Nemer G.; Nawawi H.; Madriz R.; Mehta R.; Hartgers M.L.; Doortje Reijman M.; Stroes E.S.G.; Wiegman A.; Al-Waili K.; Sadiq F.; Bourbon M.; Gaspar I.M.; Ezhov M.V.; Susekov A.V.; Lalic K.S.; Groselj U.; Vallejo‐Vaz A.J.; Charng M.-J.; Khovidhunkit W.; Altunkeser B.B.; Demircioglu S.; Kose M.; Gokce C.; Ilhan O.; Kayikcioglu M.; Kaynar L.G.; Kuku I.; Kurtoglu E.; Okutan H.; Ozcebe O.I.; Pekkolay Z.; Sag S.; Salcioglu O.Z.; Temizhan A.; Yenercag M.; Yilmaz M.; Yasar H.Y.; Mitchenko O.; Lyons A.R.M.; Ray K.K.; Stevens C.A.T.; Brothers J.A.; Hudgins L.C.; Alieva R.; Shek A.; Do D.-L.; Le H.-A.; Le T.-T.; Nguyen M.-N.T.; Alareedh M.D.; Alieva R.; Altunkeser B.B.; Arca M.; Atzori L.; Averna M.; Azar S.T.; Banderali G.; Baratta F.; Bartuli A.; Béliard S.; Bianconi V.; Bini S.; Bitar F.F.; Blaha V.; Bourbon M.; Brother's J.A.; Bruckert E.; Brunham L.R.; Bruzzi P.; Bucci M.; Buonuomo P.S.; Calabrò P.; Calandra S.; Carubbi F.; Cassiman D.; Casulá M.; Catápano A.L.; Cavalot F.; Cefalù A.B.; Ceska R.; Charng M.-J.; Cipollone F.; Cohen H.; Dal Pino B.; Dann E.J.; Defesche J.C.; Del Ben M.; Descamps O.S.; Di Costanzo A.; Do D.-L.; Durst R.; Dvorakova J.; Ebenbichler C.F.; Elis A.; Emil S.; Ezhov M.V.; Fahed A.C.; Fasano T.; Ferri C.; Formisano E.; Fortunato G.; Francis G.A.; Freiberger T.; Gaspar I.M.; Genest J.; Gentile M.; Giammanco A.; Gokce C.; Greber‐Platzer S.; Grigore L.; Groselj U.; Harada‐Shiba M.; Hegele R.A.; Horak P.; Hori M.; Hudgins L.C.; Hussein O.; Iannuzzo G.; Ilhan O.; Iughetti L.; Kayikcioglu M.; Kaynar L.G.; Kennedy B.A.; Khovidhunkit W.; Kolovou G.; Kose M.; Kuku I.; Kurtoglu E.; Lalic K.S.; Le H.-A.; Le T.-T.; Leitersdorf E.; Liberopoulos E.; Lyons A.R.M.; Mandraffino G.; Mäser M.; Mehta R.; Mombelli G.; Montalcini T.; Muntoni S.; Nascimbeni F.; Nawawi H.; Nemer G.; Nguyen M.-N.T.; Okutan H.; Ozcebe O.I.; Pang J.; Passaro A.; Pavanello C.; Pellegatta F.; Piro S.; Pirro M.; Pisciotta L.; Pujia A.; Ray K.K.; Reda A.; Reiner Ž.; Rizzi L.; Ruel I.; Sadiq F.; Sag S.; Santos R.D.; Sanz J.M.; Sarzani R.; Sbrana F.; Schurr D.; Scicali R.; Setia N.; Shek A.; Sherman M.H.; Soska V.; Stevens C.A.T.; Stroes E.S.G.; Stulnig T.M.; Suppressa P.; Susekov A.V.; Tarugi P.; Temizhan A.; Tichy L.; Urbanek R.; Vaverkova H.; Verma I.C.; Vrablik M.; Wang L.; Watts G.F.; Werba J.P.; Wiegman A.; Witters P.; Yilmaz M.; Yasar H.Y.; Zambon A.; Zambon S.“… atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD). Heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HeFH) is more common…”
Published in JAMA Cardiology (2024)
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