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401by Ahmad Kamil S.; Chandrappan J.; Portoles J.; Steenson P.; Jose G.“…. XPS of O 1 s core, confirms that bridging oxygen (BO) is more dominant compared to non-bridging oxygen…”
Published in Materials Research Express (2019)
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402by Vallejo-Vaz A.J.; Marco M.D.; Stevens C.A.T.; Akram A.; Freiberger T.; Hovingh G.K.; Kastelein J.J.P.; Mata P.; Raal F.J.; Santos R.D.; Soran H.; Watts G.F.; Abifadel M.; Aguilar-Salinas C.A.; Al-Khnifsawi M.; Alkindi F.A.; Alnouri F.; Alonso R.; Al-Rasadi K.; Al-Sarraf A.; Ashavaid T.F.; Binder C.J.; Bogsrud M.P.; Bourbon M.; Bruckert E.; Chlebus K.; Corral P.; Descamps O.; Durst R.; Ezhov M.; Fras Z.; Genest J.; Groselj U.; Harada-Shiba M.; Kayikcioglu M.; Lalic K.; Lam C.S.P.; Latkovskis G.; Laufs U.; Liberopoulos E.; Lin J.; Maher V.; Majano N.; Marais A.D.; März W.; Mirrakhimov E.; Miserez A.R.; Mitchenko O.; Nawawi H.M.; Nordestgaard B.G.; Paragh G.; Petrulioniene Z.; Pojskic B.; Postadzhiyan A.; Reda A.; Reiner Ž.; Sadoh W.E.; Sahebkar A.; Shehab A.; Shek A.B.; Stoll M.; Su T.-C.; Subramaniam T.; Susekov A.V.; Symeonides P.; Tilney M.; Tomlinson B.; Truong T.-H.; Tselepis A.D.; Tybjærg-Hansen A.; Vázquez-Cárdenas A.; Viigimaa M.; Vohnout B.; Widén E.; Yamashita S.; Banach M.; Gaita D.; Jiang L.; Nilsson L.; Santos L.E.; Schunkert H.; Tokgözoğlu L.; Car J.; Catapano A.L.; Ray K.K.; Schreier L.; Pang J.; Dieplinger H.; Hanauer-Mader G.; Desutter J.; Langlois M.; Mertens A.; Rietzschel E.; Wallemacq C.; Isakovic D.; Dzankovic A.M.; Obralija J.; Pojskic L.; Sisic I.; Stimjanin E.; Torlak V.A.; Jannes C.E.; Krieger J.E.; Pereira A.C.; Ruel I.; Asenjo S.; Cuevas A.; Pećin I.; Miltiadous G.; Panayiotou A.G.; Vrablik M.; Benn M.; Heinsar S.; Béliard S.; Gouni-Berthold I.; Hengstenberg W.; Julius U.; Kassner U.; Klose G.; König C.; König W.; Otte B.; Parhofer K.; Schatz U.; Schmidt N.; Steinhagen-Thiessen E.; Vogt A.; Antza C.; Athyros V.; Bilianou E.; Boufidou A.; Chrousos G.; Elisaf M.; Garoufi A.; Katsiki N.; Kolovou G.; Kotsis V.; Rallidis L.; Rizos C.; Skalidis E.; Skoumas I.; Tziomalos K.; Shawney J.P.S.; Abbaszadegan M.R.; Aminzadeh M.; Hosseini S.; Mobini M.; Vakili R.; Zaeri H.; Agar R.; Boran G.; Colwell N.; Crowley V.; Durkin M.; Griffin D.; Kelly M.; Rakovac-Tisdall A.; Bitzur R.; Cohen H.; Eliav O.; Ellis A.; Gavish D.; Harats D.; Henkin Y.; Knobler H.; Leavit L.; Leitersdorf E.; Schurr D.; Shpitzen S.; Szalat A.; Arca M.; Averna M.; Bertolini S.; Calandra S.; Tarugi P.; Erglis A.; Gilis D.; Nesterovics G.; Saripo V.; Upena-Roze A.; Elbitar S.; Jambart S.; Khoury P.E.; Gargalskaite U.; Kutkiene S.; Al-Khateeb A.; An C.Y.; Ismail Z.; Kasim S.; Ibrahim K.S.; Radzi A.B.M.; Kasim N.A.; Nor N.S.M.; Ramli A.S.; Razak S.A.; Muid S.; Rosman A.; Sanusi A.R.; Razman A.Z.; Nazli S.A.; Kek T.L.; Azzopardi C.; Galán G.; Rubinstein A.; Magaña-Torres M.T.; Martagon A.; Mehta R.; Wittekoek M.E.; Isara A.R.; Obaseki D.E.; Ohenhen O.A.; Holven K.B.; Gruchała M.; Baranowska M.; Borowiec-Wolny J.; Gilis-Malinowska N.; Michalska-Grzonkowska A.; Pajkowski M.; Parczewska A.; Romanowska-Kocejko M.; Stróżyk A.; Żarczyńska-Buchowiecka M.; Kleinschmidt M.; Alves A.C.; Medeiros A.M.; Ershova A.; Korneva V.; Kuznetsova T.; Malyshev P.; Meshkov A.; Rozhkova T.; Popovic L.; Lukac S.S.; Stosic L.; Rasulic I.; Lalic N.M.; Chua T.S.J.; Ting S.P.L.; Raslova K.; Battelino T.; Cevc M.; Jug B.; Kovac J.; Podkrajsek K.T.; Sustar U.; Trontelj K.J.; Marais D.; Isla L.P.; Martin F.J.; Charng M.-J.; Chen P.-L.; Dell’oca N.; Fernández G.; Ressia A.; Reyes X.; Zelarayan M.; Alieva R.B.; Hoshimov S.U.; Nizamov U.I.; Kurbanov R.D.; Lima-Martínez M.M.; Nguyen M.-N.T.; Do D.-L.; Kim N.-T.; Le T.-T.; Le H.-A.“… for FH. Under-treatment is an issue. FH therapy is not universally reimbursed. PCSK9-inhibitors…”
Published in Atherosclerosis (2018)
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403by Chinnasamy S.; Salvosa F.F., II; Esguerra C.V.“… risks, mental health issues came to the fore among working journalists’ biggest professional…”
Published in Ecologies of Global Risk Journalism: Conceptualizing Local Journalism in an Era of Deep Disruptions (2024)
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Book chapter -
404“… ether-a-go-go-related gene 1 (hERG1) encodes the pore-forming subunit underlying cardiac rapidly delayed…”
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405by Razali S.; Tukhvatullina D.; Smirnova D.“…Violence against women (VAW) is a violation of human rights. The violence occurs as a form…”
Published in Handbook on Optimizing Patient Care in Psychiatry (2022)
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Book chapter -
406by Mohammed S.F.S.“…This book charts the growth of the Indonesian nationalistic musical genre of lagu seriosa…”
Published in Musical Nationalism in Indonesia: The Rise and Fall of Lagu Seriosa (2021)
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Book -
407by Ismail M.H.; Talib N.A.A.; Ali S.H.S.; Haji Mohd Ali S.N.D.; Husin H.S.“… pandemics. Due to the popularity of online learning after the pandemic, it is necessary to look more closely…”
Published in Lecture Notes in Educational Technology (2024)
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Book chapter -
408by Sabri N.R.B.M.; Nikmat A.W.B.; Mohamed S.B.; Abdullah N.B.“…. Participants with anxiety were more likely to have a psychiatric condition (10.7% vs 1.6%, p=0.031), work more…”
Published in East Asian Archives of Psychiatry (2024)
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409by Norzaidi M.D.; Chong S.C.; Salwani M.I.“… was collected from 150 middle managers in the Malaysian port industry. The structural equation modelling results…”
Published in International Journal of Business and Systems Research (2009)
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410by Shahruddin S.S.; Ideris N.; Abu Bakar N.F.; Ahmad A.L.; Lah N.F.C.“… that had been characterized. Between the membranes, PVDF shows higher porosity despite lower mean pore size…”
Published in Materials Today: Proceedings (2020)
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Conference paper -
411by Zaini M.H.; Hamid S.N.F.A.; Maizon W.S.N.W.“… that encourage victims to come forward without fear as well as guiding more empathetic responses from judicial…”
Published in Contributions to Finance and Accounting (2024)
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Book chapter -
412by Mohamed N.; Muhtadi Ridwan A.; Saoula O.; Issa M.R.“… payments, difficulty in getting work permits and lack of management expertise are core issues, creating…”
Published in Management Science Letters (2019)
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413by Juhas M.; Power P.M.; Harding R.M.; Ferguson D.J.P.; Dimopoulou I.D.; Elamin A.R.E.; Mohd-Zain Z.; Hood D.W.; Adegbola R.; Erwin A.; Smith A.; Munson R.S.; Harrison A.; Mansfield L.; Bentley S.; Crook D.W.“…%). Most of the core gene content is formed by the syntenic type IV secretion system dependent conjugative…”
Published in Genome Biology (2007)
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414by Jaya E.M.J.; Yusop M.F.M.; Khan M.N.N.; Idris I.; Ahmad M.A.“… adsorption process using rice husk based activated carbon (RHAC). This work utilized a simple RHAC…”
Published in Malaysian Journal of Microscopy (2023)
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415by Zhetpisbaev K.; Kumekov S.; Suib N.R.M.; Abu Bakar I.P.; Abd-Shukor R.“… (x = 0.1) followed by a suppression for x ≥ 0.2. The peak temperature, Tp of the imaginary part…”
Published in International Journal of Electrochemical Science (2019)
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416by Mohd Tahir M.H.; Mohd Ariff Albakri I.S.; Mohd Adnan A.H.; Karim R.A.“… instructions if longer time is given for the learners to learn the target words. Such work will indicate…”
Published in 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature (2020)
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417by Hamim F.M.; Durairajanayagam D.; Daud S.B.; Singh H.J.“…Fecundity is declining in humans, which is partly due to male infertility. Poor sperm parameters…”
Published in Reproduction, Fertility and Development (2025)
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Review -
418by Zamri H.A.M.; Abdulhameed A.S.; Jawad A.H.; ALOthman Z.A.; Wilson L.D.“… stacking, pore filling, and H-bonding. Thus, the conversion of LN to LNAC/ZnO can potentially serve…”
Published in Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (2024)
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419by Arifin M.A.B.M.; Azmi M.F.H.B.; Sheffie S.I.B.M.“… norm. Therefore, this research is essential to be explored to obtain more details about the current…”
Published in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (2022)
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Conference paper -
420“… by using support vector machine. Most of the other data used in our previous work are of type “signal”/real…”
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