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1401by Zainal H.; Rolf A.; Zhou H.; Vasquez M.; Escher F.; Keller T.; Vasa-Nicotera M.; Zeiher A.M.; Schultheiss H.-P.; Nagel E.; Puntmann V.O.“… with clinically suspected myocarditis who underwent blood testing for hs-cTnT, CMR, and EMB as a part…”
Published in Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (2024)
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1402by Fountoulakis K.N.; Alias N.A.; Bjedov S.; Fountoulakis N.K.; Gonda X.; Hilbig J.; Jakovljević M.; Kulig B.; Mahale G.; Manafis A.; Mohammed M.; Nadareishvili I.; Navickas A.; Patsali M.E.; Pavlichenko A.; Pilaga S.M.; Razali S.; Romanov D.; Rossitza I.; Salihu A.S.; Sinauridze A.; Stoyanova M.; Thosar K.; Vorobjova J.; Vrublevska J.; Rancans E.; Javed A.; Theodorakis P.N.; Breda J.; Smirnova D.“… in 15.66% and probable depression in 25.81% of the total study sample. More than half reported increase…”
Published in Frontiers in Psychiatry (2023)
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1403by Ariaratnam S.; Krishnapillai A.D.; Daher A.M.; Fadzil M.A.; Razali S.; Omar S.A.; Keat N.K.; Mat Nasir N.; Miskan M.; Md Yasin M.; Saw J.A.; Durairajanayagam D.; Kaur G.; Che Bakar O.; Hashim N.A.“…, potentially associated with cardiovascular risk factors is most striking among professionals working in public…”
Published in Lipids in Health and Disease (2017)
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1404by Baharin N.A.N.K.; Ghazali S.A.I.S.M.; Razak F.I.A.; Sirat S.S.; Tajuddin A.M.; Kamarudin S.R.M.; Dzulkifli N.N.“…, and AFM studies to be a good corrosion inhibitor in HCl. It forms a protective layer on mild steel…”
Published in Moroccan Journal of Chemistry (2025)
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1405by Mohd Rozaini N.A.A.; Abd Talib N.F.A.; Ul-Saufie A.Z.; Ibrahim N.; Jamil S.A.M.; Ul-Saufie A.Z.“…. Therefore, this study aimed to explore more service factors that need to be paid attention to by airline…”
Published in AIP Conference Proceedings (2024)
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Conference paper -
1406by Ramli N.; Abdul Hamid H.; Yahaya A.S.; Ul-Saufie A.Z.; Mohamed Noor N.; Abu Seman N.A.; Kamarudzaman A.N.; Deák G.“… years, the Bayesian approach to fitting statistical models has gained more popularity due to its…”
Published in Atmosphere (2023)
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1407by Wahab M.S.A.; Zaini M.H.; Ali A.A.; Sahudin S.; Mehat M.Z.; Hamid H.A.; Mustaffa M.F.; Othman N.; Maniam S.“…: The use of HDS is common among the elderly sampled. Hence, healthcare providers should be more vigilant…”
Published in BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies (2021)
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1408by Mansor, Nur Farhani; Zaki, Izzati Abdul Halim; Kiok, Lee Chew; Seng, Eng Kar; Ravi, Tharmini; Pathmanathan, Mohan; Goh, Khang Wen; Ming, Long Chiau; Razi, Pakhrur; Zulkifly, Hanis Hanum“…, and longer ICU stays were significant predictors of TE events. Considering these findings, a more aggressive…”
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1409by Wang P.-Y.; Tseng W.-C.; Lee M.-C.; Hsu L.-M.; Shin S.D.; Jamaluddin S.F.; Tanaka H.; Son D.N.; Hong K.J.; Riyapan S.; Haedar A.; Chiang W.-C.; Rao R.; Abraham G.P.; Ramakrishnan T.V.; Jamaluddin S.F.; Mohidin M.A.B.; Saim A.-H.; Kean L.C.; Anthonysamy C.; Yssof S.J.D.M.; Ji K.W.; Kheng C.P.; Ali S.B.M.; Ramanathan P.; Yang C.B.; Chia H.W.; Hamad H.B.; Ismail S.A.; Abdullah W.R.B.W.; Kimura A.; Velasco B.; Gundran C.D.; Convocar P.; G.Sabarre N.; Tiglao P.J.; Hong K.J.; Song K.J.; Jeong J.; Moon S.W.; Kim J.-Y.; Cha W.C.; Lee S.C.; Ahn J.Y.; Lee K.H.; Yeom S.R.; Ryu H.H.; Kim S.J.; Kim S.C.; Sun J.T.; Wang R.-F.; Hsieh S.-L.; Kao W.-F.; Tianwibool P.; Buaprasert P.; Akaraborworn O.; Al Sakaf O.A.; LLC S.F.; Huy L.B.; Son D.N.; Van Dai N.; Hong K.J.; Khruekarnchana P.; Son D.N.“… was higher in boys (3.10% vs. 2.13%, p = 0.001). In adolescents, more events occurred on the street (25.9…”
Published in Scientific Reports (2023)
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1410by Palafox B.; McKee M.; Balabanova D.; Alhabib K.F.; Avezum A., Jr.; Bahonar A.; Ismail N.; Chifamba J.; Chow C.K.; Corsi D.J.; Dagenais G.R.; Diaz R.; Gupta R.; Iqbal R.; Kaur M.; Khatib R.; Kruger A.; Kruger I.M.; Lanas F.; Lopez-Jaramillo P.; Minfan F.; Mohan V.; Mony P.K.; Oguz A.; Palileo-Villanueva L.M.; Perel P.; Poirier P.; Rangarajan S.; Rensheng L.; Rosengren A.; Soman B.; Stuckler D.; Subramanian S.V.; Teo K.; Tsolekile L.P.; Wielgosz A.; Yaguang P.; Yeates K.; Yongzhen M.; Yusoff K.; Yusuf R.; Yusufali A.; Zatońska K.; Yusuf S.“… countries, hypertension awareness was greater among the poor (Sweden, Argentina, Poland), as was treatment…”
Published in International Journal for Equity in Health (2016)
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1411by Dashuki A.R.; Ruzlin A.N.M.; Zamzuri M.I.A.; Wee C.X.“…: 9.045; 95% CI: 4.604, 17.770), and the treatment duration was more than 6 months (AOR: 6.511; 95% CI…”
Published in Medical Journal of Malaysia (2025)
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1412by Mansor N.F.; Abdul Halim Zaki I.; Kiok L.C.; Seng E.K.; Ravi T.; Pathmanathan M.; Goh K.W.; Ming L.C.; Razi P.; Zulkifly H.H.“…, and longer ICU stays were significant predictors of TE events. Considering these findings, a more aggressive…”
Published in Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice (2025)
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1413by Judge C.; O'Donnell M.J.; Hankey G.J.; Rangarajan S.; Chin S.L.; Rao-Melacini P.; Ferguson J.; Smyth A.; Xavier D.; Lisheng L.; Zhang H.; Lopez-Jaramillo P.; Damasceno A.; Langhorne P.; Rosengren A.; Dans A.L.; Elsayed A.; Avezum A.; Mondo C.; Ryglewicz D.; Czlonkowska A.; Pogosova N.; Weimar C.; Diaz R.; Yusoff K.; Yusufali A.; Oguz A.; Wang X.; Lanas F.; Ogah O.S.; Ogunniyi A.; Iversen H.K.; Malaga G.; Rumboldt Z.; Oveisgharan S.; Al Hussain F.; Yusuf S.“… risk of stroke and expected to be a more feasible combined dietary target. © 2020 The Author(s) 2020…”
Published in American Journal of Hypertension (2021)
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1414by Chow C.K.; Corsi D.J.; Gilmore A.B.; Kruger A.; Igumbor E.; Chifamba J.; Yang W.; Wei L.; Iqbal R.; Mony P.; Gupta R.; Vijayakumar K.; Mohan V.; Kumar R.; Rahman O.; Yusoff K.; Ismail N.; Zatonska K.; Altuntas Y.; Rosengren A.; Bahonar A.; Yusufali A.; Dagenais G.; Lear S.; DIaz R.; Avezum A.; Lopez-Jaramillo P.; Lanas F.; Rangarajan S.; Teo K.; McKee M.; Yusuf S.“…: This study suggests that more focus is needed on ensuring the tobacco control policy is actually implemented…”
Published in BMJ Open (2017)
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Review -
1415by Mohd Zainal Abidin Shukri Y.; Abd Rahim I.N.; Abdul Nasir N.A.; Osman C.P.; Mohd Kasim N.A.“… vacuolisation. Interestingly, these cataract changes showed a positive trend from grade 2 to grade 1 post…”
Published in PLoS ONE (2025)
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1416by Liu J.; Lan Y.; Yu Z.; Tan C.S.Y.; Parker R.M.; Abell C.; Scherman O.A.“…-adjusting capabilities, and facilitates hierarchical microstructures with tunable stability and porosity…”
Published in Accounts of Chemical Research (2017)
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1417by Vallejo-Vaz A.J.; Stevens C.A.T.; Lyons A.R.M.; Dharmayat K.I.; Freiberger T.; Hovingh G.K.; Mata P.; Raal F.J.; Santos R.D.; Soran H.; Watts G.F.; Abifadel M.; Aguilar-Salinas C.A.; Alhabib K.F.; Alkhnifsawi M.; Almahmeed W.; Alnouri F.; Alonso R.; Al-Rasadi K.; Al-Sarraf A.; Al-Sayed N.; Araujo F.; Ashavaid T.F.; Banach M.; Béliard S.; Benn M.; Binder C.J.; Bogsrud M.P.; Bourbon M.; Chlebus K.; Corral P.; Davletov K.; Descamps O.S.; Durst R.; Ezhov M.; Gaita D.; Genest J.; Groselj U.; Harada-Shiba M.; Holven K.B.; Kayikcioglu M.; Khovidhunkit W.; Lalic K.; Latkovskis G.; Laufs U.; Liberopoulos E.; Lima-Martinez M.M.; Lin J.; Maher V.; Marais A.D.; März W.; Mirrakhimov E.; Miserez A.R.; Mitchenko O.; Nawawi H.; Nordestgaard B.G.; Panayiotou A.G.; Paragh G.; Petrulioniene Z.; Pojskic B.; Postadzhiyan A.; Raslova K.; Reda A.; Reiner Ž.; Sadiq F.; Sadoh W.E.; Schunkert H.; Shek A.B.; Stoll M.; Stroes E.; Su T.-C.; Subramaniam T.; Susekov A.V.; Tilney M.; Tomlinson B.; Truong T.H.; Tselepis A.D.; Tybjærg-Hansen A.; Cárdenas A.V.; Viigimaa M.; Wang L.; Yamashita S.; Tokgozoglu L.; Catapano A.L.; Ray K.K.“… hypercholesterolaemia through harmonisation and pooling of multinational data. In this study, we aimed to characterise…”
Published in The Lancet (2021)
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1418by Imran Zainuddin M.; Tanaka S.; Uematsu K.“… of the compact and successfully eliminating intergranular pores and granule relics. © 2008 The American Ceramic…”
Published in Journal of the American Ceramic Society (2008)
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1419by Bahari A.R.; Yunus M.A.; Rani M.N.A.; Yahya Z.; Rahim M.A.“… nonlinearity through large force-vibration response ranges. Nonlinearities can be caused by large vibration…”
Published in International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (2023)
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1420by Rahmawaty; Ismail M.H.; Rauf A.; Abdullah M.F.; Mohd Noor M.I.; Ayu Amir Mustafa A.M.; Gandaseca S.; Karuniasa M.; Kim Y.; Suratman M.N.; Salleh S.A.; Tedong P.A.“… among scholarly works. Findings highlight a significant surge in publications after 2015, mirroring…”
Published in Heliyon (2024)
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