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1941Palladium Complexes Derived from Waste as Catalysts for C-H Functionalisation and C-N Bond Formationby Jantan K.A.; Ekart G.; McCarthy S.; White A.J.P.; Braddock D.C.; Serpe A.; Wilton-Ely J.D.E.T.“… amination reactions, and their performance was optimised through a Design of Experiments (DoE) study…”
Published in Catalysts (2024)
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Article -
1942by Ahmad M.Z.; Dahlan N.Y.; Yasin Z.M.“… such as lecture schedules, semester breaks, and special occasions. This study introduces an innovative hybrid…”
Published in SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2024)
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1943by Jabbar A.A.J.; Abdul-Aziz Ahmed K.; Abdulla M.A.; Abdullah F.O.; Salehen N.A.; Mothana R.A.; Houssaini J.; Hassan R.R.; Hawwal M.F.; Fantoukh O.I.; Hasson S.“…. The present study evaluates the wound healing potentials of SN on dorsal neck injury in rats. A uniform cut…”
Published in Heliyon (2024)
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1944by Damanhuri N.S.; Chiew Y.S.; Othman N.A.; Docherty P.D.; Pretty C.G.; Shaw G.M.; Desaive T.; Chase J.G.“… ventilated patients at Christchurch Hospital were used in this study. The breath specific respiratory…”
Published in Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (2016)
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1945by Miragoli M.; Moshkov A.; Novak P.; Shevchuk A.; Nikolaev V.O.; El-Hamamsy I.; Potter C.M.F.; Wright P.; Sheikh Abdul Kadir S.H.; Lyon A.R.; Mitchell J.A.; Chester A.H.; Klenerman D.; Lab M.J.; Korchev Y.E.; Harding S.E.; Gorelik J.“… to study these processes are extremely divergent and rely on a combination of individual methods, which…”
Published in Journal of the Royal Society Interface (2011)
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Review -
1946by Hisham, Balqis nurnadia badrol; AB Rahim, Rosminazuin; Nordin, Anis nurashikin; Ralib, Aliza aini md; Za'bah, Nor farahidah; Tung, Lun hao; Zain, Zainiharyati mohd“… setup for nicotine detection. Yet, conventional screen-printed electrodes (SPE) have relatively low…”
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Article -
1947by Rosli S.A.; Alias N.; Misran H.; Matsuda A.; Tan W.K.; Kawamura G.; Razak K.A.; Lockman Z.“…4F at 60 V in a two-step anodic process. The first process produced hydrated anodic film which…”
Published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2024)
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Conference paper -
1948by Anjani Q.K.; Sabri A.H.B.; Hamid K.A.; Moreno-Castellanos N.; Li H.; Donnelly R.F.“… fabricated using a two-step process with the ternary complex as the needle layer. The resulting MAPs were…”
Published in Carbohydrate Polymers (2023)
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1949by Ahmad N.; Colak B.; Gibbs M.J.; Zhang D.-W.; Gautrot J.E.; Watkinson M.; Becer C.R.; Krause S.“…. In this work, new sensor materials for disposable single-step protease biosensors based on poly(2-oxazoline…”
Published in Biomacromolecules (2019)
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1950by Tajjudin, Mazidah; Pezol, Nor Syafikah; Johari, Siti Nur Hasinah; Shariff, Haslizamri Md; Rahiman, Mohd Hezri Fazalul“… behaviours in response to step inputs, setpoint changes, and disturbance tests indicate that IMC-PID-FOF…”
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1951by Aziz, Nuraini Che; Alahmad, Basma Ezzat Mustafa; Kashmoola, Muhanad Ali; Lestari, Widya; Rosdy, Nik Mohd Mazuan Nik Mohd; Mokhtar, Khairani Idah“… potential of G. umbrosus in oral cancer remains deficient. This study aimed to evaluate the anticancer…”
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Article; Early Access -
1952by Goh Y.; Sadikan M.Z.; Jaiprakash H.; Nasir N.A.A.; Agarwal R.; Iezhitsa I.; Ismail N.M.“… and antioxidant effects. Hence, in the current study, the effects of TRF on the expression of pro- and anti…”
Published in BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies (2024)
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1953by Baharuddin I.H.; Ismail N.; Naing N.N.; Ibrahim K.; Yasin S.M.; Patterson M.S.“… language to ensure alignment with the local context. This study examines the content and face validity…”
Published in BMC Public Health (2024)
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1954by Zainal H.; Rolf A.; Zhou H.; Vasquez M.; Escher F.; Keller T.; Vasa-Nicotera M.; Zeiher A.M.; Schultheiss H.-P.; Nagel E.; Puntmann V.O.“… myocarditis is incompletely understood. Methods: Prospective multicenter study of consecutive patients…”
Published in Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (2024)
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1955by Carroll J.-A.; Mullens A.B.; Warzywoda S.; Baker P.R.A.; Stafford M.; Mcmillan F.; Manton J.; Demant D.“… studies met the inclusion criteria. These studies were all conducted in high-income countries, used…”
Published in PLoS ONE (2025)
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1956by Mondal R.; Ritu R.B.; Kitaoka K.; Azahar N.M.; Moniruzzaman M.; Ogata S.; Kiyoshige E.; Tohara H.; Kobayashi Y.; Kashihara N.; Naito T.; Nakashima N.; Tamura K.; Nishimura K.; Viera A.J.; Yano Y.“…: The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) is a population-based observational study…”
Published in Atherosclerosis (2025)
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1957by HISHAM B.N.B.; RAHIM R.A.; NORDIN A.N.; RALIB A.A.M.; ZA'BAH N.F.; TUNG L.H.; ZAIN Z.M.“… setup for nicotine detection. Yet, conventional screen-printed electrodes (SPE) have relatively low…”
Published in IIUM Engineering Journal (2025)
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1958by Wahil M.S.A.; Ishak M.F.M.; Mahmood N.A.B.; Azhar Z.I.; Jeffree M.S.; Rahim S.S.S.A.; Ghazi H.F.; Hassan M.R.“… aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of scrub typhus in Southeast Asia and the risk…”
Published in Avicenna Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infection (2021)
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1959by Agarwal A.; Sharma R.K.; Gupta S.; Boitrelle F.; Finelli R.; Parekh N.; Durairajanayagam D.; Saleh R.; Arafa M.; Cho C.L.; Farkouh A.; Rambhatla A.; Henkel R.; Vogiatzi P.; Tadros N.; Kavoussi P.; Ko E.; Leisegang K.; Kandil H.; Palani A.; Salvio G.; Mostafa T.; Rajmil O.; Banihani S.A.; Schon S.; Le T.V.; Birowo P.; Çeker G.; Alvarez J.; Molina J.M.C.; Ho C.C.K.; Calogero A.E.; Khalafalla K.; Duran M.B.; Kuroda S.; Colpi G.M.; Zini A.; Anagnostopoulou C.; Pescatori E.; Chung E.; Caroppo E.; Dimitriadis F.; Pinggera G.-M.; Busetto G.M.; Balercia G.; Elbardisi H.; Taniguchi H.; Park H.J.; Rosas I.M.; de la Rosette J.; Ramsay J.; Bowa K.; Simopoulou M.; Rodriguez M.G.; Sabbaghian M.; Martinez M.; Gilani M.A.S.; Al-Marhoon M.S.; Kosgi R.; Cannarella R.; Micic S.; Fukuhara S.; Parekattil S.; Jindal S.; Abdel-Meguid T.A.-A.; Morimoto Y.; Shah R.“… clinicians. In this study, we report the results of a global survey to understand current practices regarding…”
Published in World Journal of Men's Health (2022)
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Review -
1960by Jumaat A.K.; Nithya R.; Kumar M.M.“… image into several segments for further processing is an important step in digital image analysis…”
Published in International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering (2022)
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